import re good_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_- ,.()' word_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' stopwords = [ 'stop', 'the', 'to', 'and', 'a', 'in', 'it', 'is', 'i', 'that', 'had', 'on', 'for', 'were', 'was'] regexes = [ (r"\w_\w", 'It looks like you are using the character "_" to separate words in tags. Use spaces instead.', 0.9), (r"\W-\w", 'It looks like you are using the "-" character to exclude tags. Put them into the "negative prompt" instead.', 0.9), (r"^.{,60}$", 'Your prompt is very short. You will probably get a bad image.', 0.8), (r"\b(stalin|hitler|nazi|nigger|waluigi|luigi|toilet)\b", 'Seriously?', 0.01), (r"\b(loli|shota|cub|young|age difference|preteen|underage|child|teen)\b", 'Trying to generate cub art will probably make you banned. I warned you.', 0.001), (r"\b(scat|poop|shit|piss|urine|pooping|rape)\b", 'Some of the tags you sent will be ignored because they were also blacklisted on e621.', 0.75), (r"\({3,}", 'No need to use that many (((parenthesis))). That will give you a worse image.', 0.9), (r"\[{3,}", 'Square [braces] will reduce the enphasis on a tag.', 1.0), (r"\W#", 'There is no need to put # in front of tags. That\'ll worsen the quality of the image', 0.9), (r"[👎👍🌀🌱💎]", "If you copy prompts from the channel, at least copy only the prompt.", 0.001) ] tags = {} with open('yiffy_tags.csv') as f: while 1: line = f.readline() if not line: break tag, value = line.strip().rsplit(',', 1) if value == 'count': continue tags[tag] = int(value) sorted_by_size = sorted(tags.keys(), key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True) def judge(prompt): prompt = ' '+prompt.lower().replace("\n", ' ')+' ' quality = 1.0 comments = [] found_tags = {} for tag in sorted_by_size: pos = prompt.find(tag) if pos == -1: continue if prompt[pos-1] in word_chars: continue if prompt[pos+len(tag)] in word_chars: continue found_tags[tag] = tags[tag] if len(found_tags) == 0: quality *= 0.65 comments.append(f"Your prompt doesn't even contain one tag from e621.") elif len(found_tags) < 6: quality *= 0.8 comments.append(f"Found only {len(found_tags)} tags in your prompt. The AI knows ~{int(sum(found_tags.values())/len(found_tags))} images from e621 with these tags.") else: comments.append(f"Found {len(found_tags)} tags in your prompt. The AI knows ~{int(sum(found_tags.values())/len(found_tags))} images from e621 with these tags.") for pattern, comment, value in regexes: match =, prompt) if match: quality *= value comments.append(comment) if quality < 1: comments.append(f"Because of these issues, you will consume {(1/quality):.2f}x the amount of usual cycles.") return comments, quality