import { info } from "std/log/mod.ts"; import { Elysia, Static, t } from "elysia"; import { Admin, adminSchema, adminStore } from "../app/adminStore.ts"; import { getUser, withSessionAdmin, withSessionUser } from "./getUser.ts"; import { TkvEntry } from "../utils/Tkv.ts"; const adminDataSchema = t.Intersect([adminSchema, t.Object({ tgUserId: t.Number() })]); export type AdminData = Static; function getAdminData(adminEntry: TkvEntry<["admins", number], Admin>): AdminData { return { tgUserId: adminEntry.key[1], ...adminEntry.value }; } export const adminsRoute = new Elysia() .get( "", async () => { const adminEntries = await Array.fromAsync(adminStore.list({ prefix: ["admins"] })); const admins =; return admins; }, { response: t.Array(adminDataSchema), }, ) .post( "", async ({ query, body, set }) => { return withSessionAdmin({ query, set }, async (sessionUser, sessionAdminEntry) => { const newAdminUser = await getUser(body.tgUserId); const newAdminKey = ["admins", body.tgUserId] as const; const newAdminValue = { promotedBy: sessionAdminEntry.key[1] }; const newAdminResult = await adminStore.atomicSet(newAdminKey, null, newAdminValue); if (!newAdminResult.ok) { set.status = 409; return "User is already an admin"; } info(`User ${sessionUser.first_name} promoted user ${newAdminUser.first_name} to admin`); return getAdminData({ ...newAdminResult, key: newAdminKey, value: newAdminValue }); }); }, { query: t.Object({ sessionId: t.String() }), body: t.Object({ tgUserId: t.Number(), }), response: { 200: adminDataSchema, 401: t.Literal("Must be logged in"), 403: t.Literal("Must be an admin"), 409: t.Literal("User is already an admin"), }, }, ) .post( "/promote_self", // if there are no admins, allow any user to promote themselves async ({ query, set }) => { return withSessionUser({ query, set }, async (sessionUser) => { const adminEntries = await Array.fromAsync(adminStore.list({ prefix: ["admins"] })); if (adminEntries.length !== 0) { set.status = 409; return "You are not allowed to promote yourself"; } const newAdminKey = ["admins",] as const; const newAdminValue = { promotedBy: null }; const newAdminResult = await adminStore.set(newAdminKey, newAdminValue); info(`User ${sessionUser.first_name} promoted themselves to admin`); return getAdminData({ ...newAdminResult, key: newAdminKey, value: newAdminValue }); }); }, { query: t.Object({ sessionId: t.String() }), response: { 200: adminDataSchema, 401: t.Literal("Must be logged in"), 403: t.Literal("Must be an admin"), 409: t.Literal("You are not allowed to promote yourself"), }, }, ) .get( "/:adminId", async ({ params, set }) => { const adminEntry = await adminStore.get(["admins", Number(params.adminId)]); if (!adminEntry.versionstamp) { set.status = 404; return "Admin not found"; } return getAdminData(adminEntry); }, { params: t.Object({ adminId: t.String() }), response: { 200: adminDataSchema, 404: t.Literal("Admin not found"), }, }, ) .delete( "/:adminId", async ({ params, query, set }) => { return withSessionAdmin({ query, set }, async (sessionUser) => { const deletedAdminEntry = await adminStore.get(["admins", Number(params.adminId)]); if (!deletedAdminEntry.versionstamp) { set.status = 404; return "Admin not found"; } const deletedAdminUser = await getUser(deletedAdminEntry.key[1]); await adminStore.delete(["admins", Number(params.adminId)]); info( `User ${sessionUser.first_name} demoted user ${deletedAdminUser.first_name} from admin`, ); return null; }); }, { params: t.Object({ adminId: t.String() }), query: t.Object({ sessionId: t.String() }), response: { 200: t.Null(), 401: t.Literal("Must be logged in"), 403: t.Literal("Must be an admin"), 404: t.Literal("Admin not found"), }, }, );