import { Grammy, GrammyAutoQuote, GrammyFiles, GrammyParseMode, Log } from "../deps.ts"; import { formatUserChat } from "../common/utils.ts"; import { session, SessionFlavor } from "./session.ts"; import { queueCommand } from "./queueCommand.ts"; import { txt2imgCommand, txt2imgQuestion } from "./txt2imgCommand.ts"; import { pnginfoCommand, pnginfoQuestion } from "./pnginfoCommand.ts"; import { img2imgCommand, img2imgQuestion } from "./img2imgCommand.ts"; import { cancelCommand } from "./cancelCommand.ts"; export const logger = () => Log.getLogger(); type WithRetryApi = { [M in keyof T]: T[M] extends (args: infer P, infer A) => infer R ? (args: P extends object ? P & { maxAttempts?: number } : P, A) => R : T[M]; }; export type Context = & GrammyFiles.FileFlavor> & SessionFlavor; export const bot = new Grammy.Bot>>( Deno.env.get("TG_BOT_TOKEN") ?? "", ); bot.use(GrammyAutoQuote.autoQuote); bot.use(GrammyParseMode.hydrateReply); bot.use(session); bot.api.config.use(GrammyFiles.hydrateFiles(bot.token)); // Automatically cancel requests after 30 seconds bot.api.config.use(async (prev, method, payload, signal) => { const controller = new AbortController(); let timedOut = false; const timeout = setTimeout(() => { timedOut = true; // TODO: this sometimes throws with "can't abort a locked stream" and crashes whole process controller.abort(); }, 30 * 1000); signal?.addEventListener("abort", () => { controller.abort(); }); try { const result = await prev(method, payload, controller.signal); return result; } finally { clearTimeout(timeout); if (timedOut) { logger().warning(`${method} timed out`); } } }); // Automatically retry bot requests if we get a "too many requests" or telegram internal error bot.api.config.use(async (prev, method, payload, signal) => { const maxAttempts = payload && ("maxAttempts" in payload) ? payload.maxAttempts ?? 3 : 3; let attempt = 0; while (true) { attempt++; const result = await prev(method, payload, signal); if ( result.ok || ![429, 500].includes(result.error_code) || attempt >= maxAttempts ) { return result; } logger().warning( `${method} (attempt ${attempt}) failed: ${result.error_code} ${result.description}`, ); const retryAfterMs = (result.parameters?.retry_after ?? (attempt * 5)) * 1000; await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, retryAfterMs)); } }); bot.catch((err) => { logger().error( `Handling update from ${formatUserChat(err.ctx)} failed: ${} ${err.message}`, ); }); // if error happened, try to reply to the user with the error bot.use(async (ctx, next) => { try { await next(); } catch (err) { try { await ctx.reply(`Handling update failed: ${err}`, { reply_to_message_id: ctx.message?.message_id, }); } catch { throw err; } } }); bot.api.setMyShortDescription("I can generate furry images from text"); bot.api.setMyDescription( "I can generate furry images from text. " + "Send /txt2img to generate an image.", ); bot.api.setMyCommands([ { command: "txt2img", description: "Generate image from text" }, { command: "img2img", description: "Generate image from image" }, { command: "pnginfo", description: "Show generation parameters of an image" }, { command: "queue", description: "Show the current queue" }, { command: "cancel", description: "Cancel all your requests" }, ]); bot.command("start", (ctx) => ctx.reply("Hello! Use the /txt2img command to generate an image")); bot.command("txt2img", txt2imgCommand); bot.use(txt2imgQuestion.middleware()); bot.command("img2img", img2imgCommand); bot.use(img2imgQuestion.middleware()); bot.command("pnginfo", pnginfoCommand); bot.use(pnginfoQuestion.middleware()); bot.command("queue", queueCommand); bot.command("cancel", cancelCommand); bot.command("pause", (ctx) => { if (!ctx.from?.username) return; const config =; if (!config.adminUsernames.includes(ctx.from.username)) return; if (config.pausedReason != null) { return ctx.reply(`Already paused: ${config.pausedReason}`); } config.pausedReason = ctx.match ?? "No reason given"; logger().warning(`Bot paused by ${ctx.from.first_name} because ${config.pausedReason}`); return ctx.reply("Paused"); }); bot.command("resume", (ctx) => { if (!ctx.from?.username) return; const config =; if (!config.adminUsernames.includes(ctx.from.username)) return; if (config.pausedReason == null) return ctx.reply("Already running"); config.pausedReason = null; logger().info(`Bot resumed by ${ctx.from.first_name}`); return ctx.reply("Resumed"); }); bot.command("crash", () => { throw new Error("Crash command used"); });