# Nyx the Bot Fork of Eris the Bot https://eris.lisq.eu Telegram bot for generating images from text. ## Requirements - [Deno](https://deno.land/) (for the bot server) - [Stable Diffusion WebUI](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/) (for the worker that generates images) ## Options You can put these in `.env` file or pass them as environment variables. - `TG_BOT_TOKEN` - Telegram bot token. Get yours from [@BotFather](https://t.me/BotFather). Required. - `DENO_KV_PATH` - [Deno KV](https://deno.land/api?s=Deno.openKv&unstable) database file path. A temporary file is used by default. Example: /opt/data/botdata.kv - `LOG_LEVEL` - [Log level](https://deno.land/std@0.201.0/log/mod.ts?s=LogLevels). Default: `INFO`. ## Running 1. Start Eris: `deno task start` 2. Visit [Eris WebUI](http://localhost:8443/) and login via Telegram. 3. Promote yourself to admin in the Eris WebUI. 4. Start Stable Diffusion WebUI: `./webui.sh --api` (in SD WebUI directory) 5. Add a new worker in the Eris WebUI. ## This fork requires the use of webhooks. 1. You need a reverse Proxy and HTTPS certificate set up that proxies all requests from a domain on port 443 (e.g. nyx.akiru.de) to the backend of this bot (:8443). 2. Change the Webhook URL to your own one in /mod/bot.ts - There are also console log statements you can uncomment for troubleshooting. 3. Make sure the DNS and firewall are set up for the webhook to be reachable, because otherwise the bot fails to start. ## Codegen The Stable Diffusion API types are auto-generated. To regenerate them, first start your SD WebUI with `--nowebui --api`, and then run `deno task generate` ## Project structure - `/api` - Eris API served at `http://localhost:8443/api/`. - `/app` - Queue handling and other core processes. - `/bot` - Handling bot commands and other updates from Telegram API. - `/ui` - Eris WebUI frontend files served at `http://localhost:8443/`. - `/util` - Utility functions shared by other parts.