import { Model } from "indexed_kv"; import { info } from "std/log/mod.ts"; import { createEndpoint, createMethodFilter, createPathFilter } from "t_rest/server"; import { Admin, adminSchema, adminStore } from "../app/adminStore.ts"; import { getUser, withAdmin, withUser } from "./withUser.ts"; export type AdminData = Admin & { id: string }; function getAdminData(adminEntry: Model): AdminData { return { id:, ...adminEntry.value }; } export const adminsRoute = createPathFilter({ "": createMethodFilter({ GET: createEndpoint( {}, async () => { const adminEntries = await adminStore.getAll(); const admins =; return { status: 200, body: { type: "application/json", data: admins satisfies AdminData[] }, }; }, ), POST: createEndpoint( { query: { sessionId: { type: "string" }, }, body: { type: "application/json", schema: { type: "object", properties: { tgUserId:, }, required: ["tgUserId"], }, }, }, async ({ query, body }) => { return withAdmin(query, async (user, adminEntry) => { const newAdminUser = await getUser(; const newAdminEntry = await adminStore.create({ tgUserId:, promotedBy:, }); info(`User ${user.first_name} promoted user ${newAdminUser.first_name} to admin`); return { status: 200, body: { type: "application/json", data: getAdminData(newAdminEntry) }, }; }); }, ), }), "promote_self": createMethodFilter({ POST: createEndpoint( { query: { sessionId: { type: "string" }, }, }, // if there are no admins, allow any user to promote themselves async ({ query }) => { return withUser(query, async (user) => { const adminEntries = await adminStore.getAll(); if (adminEntries.length === 0) { const newAdminEntry = await adminStore.create({ tgUserId:, promotedBy: null, }); info(`User ${user.first_name} promoted themselves to admin`); return { status: 200, body: { type: "application/json", data: getAdminData(newAdminEntry) }, }; } return { status: 403, body: { type: "text/plain", data: `You are not allowed to promote yourself` }, }; }); }, ), }), "{adminId}": createPathFilter({ "": createMethodFilter({ GET: createEndpoint( {}, async ({ params }) => { const adminEntry = await adminStore.getById(params.adminId!); if (!adminEntry) { return { status: 404, body: { type: "text/plain", data: `Admin not found` } }; } return { status: 200, body: { type: "application/json", data: getAdminData(adminEntry) }, }; }, ), DELETE: createEndpoint( { query: { sessionId: { type: "string" }, }, }, async ({ params, query }) => { return withAdmin(query, async (chat) => { const deletedAdminEntry = await adminStore.getById(params.adminId!); if (!deletedAdminEntry) { return { status: 404, body: { type: "text/plain", data: `Admin not found` } }; } const deletedAdminUser = await getUser(deletedAdminEntry.value.tgUserId); await deletedAdminEntry.delete(); info(`User ${chat.first_name} demoted user ${deletedAdminUser.first_name} from admin`); return { status: 200, body: { type: "application/json", data: null }, }; }); }, ), }), }), });