import httpx import re import json import os from ext import Order headers = {'Host': '', 'Authorization': 'Token [REDACTED]'} output = {} # uid starts from 2 because of the two hard-coded badge numbers i = 2 # Furizon was 200 orders, plenty of pages to go through for x in range(10): r = httpx.get(f'{x+1}', headers=headers) if r.status_code == 404: break data = r.json() for r in data['results']: badge = open('template.svg', 'r').read() order = Order(r) if not order: continue if order.status != 'paid': continue # These orders had an hard-coded UID of 1 and 2 if order.code == 'HWUC9': uid = 2 elif order.code == 'ZUESS': uid = 1 else: i += 1 uid = i output[uid] = (order.code, # Replace the various texts and colors inside of the svg badge = badge.replace('#deadbe', {None: '#546e7a', 'normal': '#8e24aa', 'super': '#fb8c00'}[order.sponsorship]) badge = badge.replace('#SPONSOR_STATUS', {None: 'Regular', 'normal': 'Sponsor', 'super': 'Supersponsor'}[order.sponsorship]) badge = badge.replace('#ATTEND_NAME', badge = badge.replace('#CODE', order.code) badge = badge.replace('#UID', f'{uid:03}') badge = badge.replace('flag.svg', f"../flags/{}.svg") # Change the background of the badge depending on staff role if order.ans('staff_role'): if 'main staff' in order.ans('staff_role'): badge = badge.replace('badge_viola.png', 'badge_rosso.png') elif 'staff' in order.ans('staff_role'): badge = badge.replace('badge_viola.png', 'badge_azzurro.png') # Change the background also based on sponsorship elif order.sponsorship == 'normal': badge = badge.replace('badge_viola.png', 'badge_viola.png') elif order.sponsorship == 'super': badge = badge.replace('badge_viola.png', 'badge_giallo.png') else: badge = badge.replace('badge_viola.png', 'badge_verde.png') # Fix paths so that they are correct badge = badge.replace('badge_', '../badge_') # Add the propics if order.propic: badge = badge.replace('avatar.png', f"../propic/{order.propic}") else: badge = badge.replace('avatar.png', f"../avatar.png") # Save the badges with open(f"output/{uid:03}_{order.code}.svg", 'w') as f: f.write(badge) # Use inkscape to convert all badges to pdf and then create a unique file os.system('inkscape --actions="export-type:pdf;export-do;" output/*.svg') os.system('rm output/*.svg') os.system('pdfunite output/* combined.pdf')