from time import time from base64 import b16encode from hashlib import sha3_512 import os.path from security_const import * import logging import binascii import ndef from io import BytesIO from nfc.tag.tt2 import Type2TagCommandError logging.basicConfig(level='INFO') log = logging.getLogger('badge') START_PAGE = { "NXP NTAG213": 0x11, "NXP NTAG215": 0x6B, "NXP NTAG216": 0xCB } USER_PAGE_BOUNDS = { "NXP NTAG213": (0x04, 0x27), "NXP NTAG215": (0x04, 0x81), "NXP NTAG216": (0x04, 0xE1), } CONFIG_PAGES = { "NXP NTAG213": (0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C), "NXP NTAG215": (0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86), "NXP NTAG216": (0xE3, 0xE4, 0xE5, 0xE6), } class Badge: def __init__(self, tag, uuid=None): self.tag = tag self.uuid = uuid def read_transaction(self): bounds = USER_PAGE_BOUNDS[self.tag.product] start_page = START_PAGE[self.tag.product] # We assume transactions are 22 pages wide data = b"" offset = 0 while 1: print("Reading", hex(start_page+offset), end=' ') chunk = print(b16encode(chunk)) if len(data) == 0: if bytes(chunk[:4]) != HEADER: print('header is', HEADER) print('chunk 4', bytes(chunk[:4])) print('Does not start with header :(') data += chunk offset += 4 if FOOTER in chunk: data = data[:data.find(FOOTER)+4] break return data def write_transaction(self, tx, verify=True): bounds = USER_PAGE_BOUNDS[self.tag.product] start = START_PAGE[self.tag.product] with BytesIO(tx.get_bytes()) as data: offset = 0 # Write the transaction while 1: chunk = if not chunk: break print("Writing", hex(start+offset), b16encode(chunk)) assert bounds[0] <= start+offset <= bounds[1] self.tag.write(start+offset, chunk) offset += 1 # Read the transaction back if verify: print('expected:::', tx.get_bytes()) print('read:::::', self.read_transaction()) assert tx.get_bytes() == self.read_transaction() def enable_count(self): page_addr = CONFIG_PAGES[self.tag.product][1] page =[:4] if not page[0] & (1<<4):"Enabling tag counter") page[0] |= 1 << 4 # Set NFC_CNT_EN = 1 self.tag.write(page_addr, page) else:"Tag counter is already enabled!") try: count = self.tag.transceive(binascii.unhexlify('3902'), timeout=0.05) # READ_CNT command except Type2TagCommandError: log.error("Tag count is enabled, but didn't get any response anyway.") else:"Tag count is {int.from_bytes(count, byteorder='little')}") def protect(self): self.tag.protect(self.password()) def password(self, with_uuid=True): x = self.tag.identifier for i in range(ITERATIONS): x = sha3_512(x + (self.uuid if with_uuid and self.uuid else bytes(0)) + SALT).digest() return x[:6] if __name__ == '__main__': from types import SimpleNamespace tag = SimpleNamespace() tag.identifier = bytes(8) pt = Protect(tag, uuid=b"bye") start = time() print('with uuid', b16encode(pt.password())) print('without uuid', b16encode(pt.password(with_uuid=False))) print("took", (time()-start)*1000, 'ms')