import nfc import sys from nfc.clf import RemoteTarget from nfc.tag.tt2 import Type2TagCommandError import logging from base64 import b64encode, b16encode from os.path import join from time import time from hashlib import sha3_256 import ndef import coloredlogs import binascii import os import json from colorama import init, Fore, Back, Style coloredlogs.install(fmt='%(levelname)s %(message)s') init() uids = json.load(open('uids.json')) def get_hash(payload, count=10000, salt=b"x!"): data = sha3_256(payload + (salt or bytes(0))) for _ in range(count): data = sha3_256(data.digest() + (salt or bytes(0))) return data.digest() def activate_and_unlock(*args, **kwargs): tag = nfc.tag.activate(*args, **kwargs) tag.has_password = False assert tag.signature if not tag.ndef.is_writeable: tag.has_password = True unlock_result = tag.authenticate(password=get_hash(tag.identifier+tag.signature)) if not unlock_result: log.error("This tag is locked and password is incorrect!") return return tag if __name__ == '__main__': log = logging.getLogger('nfc') clf = nfc.ContactlessFrontend() try: assert'tty:USB0:pn532') except TimeoutError: log.error('Got TimeoutError on reader connection attempt.') except AssertionError: log.error('There is no reader connected.') exit() clf.device.chipset.set_serial_baudrate(115200) clf.device.chipset.transport.baudrate = 115200"Setting device baud rate to {clf.device.chipset.transport.baudrate}.") print(Style.BRIGHT + "What mode would you like to work in?\ns = single enroll\nm = mass enroll\n>>> ", end='') mode = input()[0] if mode == 'm': print(Style.BRIGHT + "Choose the number from where to begin enrolling. To stop enrolling, just use CTRL+C to exit the program.\n>>> ", end='') try: uid = int(input()) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() except: log.error("The supplied number is not valid.") exit() print(Fore.GREEN + "āœ” Mass enroll mode" + Style.RESET_ALL) else: print(Fore.GREEN + "āœ” Single enroll mode" + Style.RESET_ALL) try: while 1: # Ask for a number if in single enroll mode. if mode == 's': while 1: print(Style.BRIGHT + "Input the attendee number\n>>> ", end='') try: uid = int(input()) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() except: log.error("The supplied number is not valid.") continue else: break user_id = uids[str(uid)][0] url = "" + user_id print(Fore.GREEN + "Attendee info:") print(f"NAME: {uids[str(uid)][1]}") print(f" INT: {uid}") print(f"CODE: {user_id}\n") print(Fore.YELLOW + "āŒ› Waiting for nfc tag", end='') # Wait for a successful reading while 1: target = clf.sense(RemoteTarget('106A'), iterations=10) if not target: print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() continue break print(Style.RESET_ALL) # Tag was found, write the details start = time() tag = activate_and_unlock(clf, target) if not tag: log.error("Tag was gone mid-write.") continue if tag.product != 'NXP NTAG215': log.error("Incorrect tag type detected! Tag must be a NXP 215!") while clf.sense(RemoteTarget('106A')): pass continue if not tag.signature: log.error("Tag signature was not read correctly. Try again.") while clf.sense(RemoteTarget('106A')): pass continue password = get_hash(tag.identifier+tag.signature, 10000)[:6] # If tag count is disabled, enable it try: count = tag.transceive(binascii.unhexlify('3902'), timeout=0.05) # READ_CNT command except Type2TagCommandError: page =[:4] if not page[0] & (1<<4):"Enabling tag counter") page[0] |= 1 << 4 # Set NFC_CNT_EN = 1 self.tag.write(0x84, page) tag = activate_and_unlock(clf, target) count = tag.transceive(binascii.unhexlify('3902'), timeout=0.05) # READ_CNT command print(Fore.CYAN+Style.BRIGHT) print(f"UUID: {b16encode(tag.identifier).decode()}") print(f"SIGN: {b16encode(tag.signature).decode()}") print(f"PASS: {b16encode(password[:4]).decode()}") print(f"PWCK: {b16encode(password[4:]).decode()}") print(" CNT:", int.from_bytes(count, byteorder='little')) print(Style.RESET_ALL) tag.ndef.records = [ndef.UriRecord(url), ] try: assert tag.ndef.has_changed is False except AssertionError: log.error("NDEF data was written incorrectly!") while clf.sense(RemoteTarget('106A')): pass continue else:"Writing URL") if not tag.has_password:"Setting password") tag.protect(password=password, read_protect=False, protect_from=0) print(Back.GREEN + Fore.BLACK + f"\nāœ” Badge enrolled with success in {time()-start:.2f}s!" + Style.RESET_ALL) uid += 1 while clf.sense(RemoteTarget('106A')): pass os.system('clear') except KeyboardInterrupt: pass clf.close()