Add dev mode switch, ticket download fix, nose count, barcode generation

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Ed 2023-01-08 11:48:01 +01:00
parent 1382e58b0c
commit b7677b3ac0
1 changed files with 45 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import json
from os.path import join
from ext import *
from config import *
from aztec_code_generator import AztecCode
from io import BytesIO
app = Sanic(__name__)
app.static("/res", "res/")
@ -37,6 +39,36 @@ async def main_start(*_):
app.ctx.order_cache = {}
async def gen_barcode(request, code):
aa = AztecCode(code).image(module_size=8, border=2)
img = BytesIO(), format='PNG')
return raw(img.getvalue(), content_type="image/png")
async def nose_count(request, order: Order):
p = 0
orders = {}
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
while 1:
p += 1
res = await client.get(join(base_url, f"orders/?include_canceled_positions=false&page={p}"), headers=headers)
if res.status_code == 404: break
data = res.json()
for o in data['results']:
orders[o['code']] = Order(o)
orders = {key:value for key,value in sorted(orders.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1].room_members), reverse=True)}
tpl = app.ctx.tpl.get_template('nosecount.html')
return html(tpl.render(orders=orders, order=order))
async def redirect_explore(request, code, secret, order: Order, secret2=None):
@ -84,6 +116,11 @@ async def welcome(request, order: Order, quota: Quotas):
room_members.append(await get_order(code=member_id, insecure=True))
room_sizes = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0}
for o in order:
room_sizes[len(o.room_members)] += 1
tpl = app.ctx.tpl.get_template('welcome.html')
return html(tpl.render(order=order, quota=quota, room_members=room_members, pending_roommates=pending_roommates))
@ -101,10 +138,16 @@ async def download_ticket(request, order: Order):
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
res = await client.get(join(base_url, f"orders/{order.code}/download/pdf/"), headers=headers)
if res.status_code != 200:
if res.status_code == 409:
raise exceptions.SanicException("Your ticket is still being generated. Please try again later!", status_code=res.status_code)
elif res.status_code == 403:
raise exceptions.SanicException("You can download your ticket only after the order has been confirmed and paid. Try later!", status_code=400)
return raw(res.content, content_type='application/pdf')
async def logour(request):
raise exceptions.Forbidden("You have been logged out.", status_code=403)
if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8188, dev=True)"", port=8188, dev=DEV_MODE)