Makeroom wizard #27

stranck merged 15 commits from drew-dev into stranck-dev 2024-05-20 10:32:09 +00:00
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stranck added 15 commits 2024-05-20 10:31:55 +00:00
Reviewed-on: #22
Reviewed-on: #23
Reviewed-on: #24
Reviewed-on: #25
Reviewed-on: #26
Added a button in the nosecount
[Might be removed] a new dialog
Next wip will consist of filling up new rooms for roomless orders
[+] Added the Drag'n'Drop mechanism in the wizard page, allowing to move orders between rooms, plus a 'placeholder' space to temporarily keep orders to move others

[minor fix] Item category maps might be filled twice with the same IDs
Refined the submit algorithm with more owner fixes, plus a final cache update

Handled a case in which a user by moving the generated room would keep the moved user as the owner of the room, resulting in the user to be in two rooms at the same time
stranck merged commit 4f84e899c8 into stranck-dev 2024-05-20 10:32:09 +00:00
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Reference: Furizon/furizon_webint#27
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