{% if order.room_owner and not order.room_confirmed %}

Invite your friends!

Send your Ticket ID and room PIN to other attendants you want in your room.

If you want to change the room PIN, use the "Reset PIN" button to change the secret code.

Confirm this room

Confirming the room is the only way to guarantee that you will stay with your friends.

Confirmed room cannot be changed. You will not be able to add or remove roommates, or change to another size.

In case somebody from your room decides to not participate, they will be replaced with a random person, or your room size will be changed.

Your room

{# #} {# #} {# #} {# #} {# #}
Room type{{[None,'Single','Double','Triple','Quadruple','Quintuple'][len(room_members)]}} Room{{[None,'Single','Double','Triple','Quadruple','Quintuple'][order.room_person_no]}} Room
Rooms left of this type{{quota.get_left(len(room_members))}}

Rename this room

Enter your room's new name!

This name will be public and shown in the room list, so nothing offensive! :)

{% endif %} {% if not order.room_id %}

Join a room!

{% endif %}