⚠️ Your room contains {{len(room_members)}} people inside, but sadly there are no more {{[None,'single','double','triple','quadruple','quintuple'][len(room_members)]}} rooms. You need to add or remove people until you reach the size of an available room if you want to confirm it.
{% endif %} {# Show alert if room was not confirmed #} {% if order.room_id and not order.room_confirmed %}⚠️ Your room hasn't been confirmed yet. Unconfirmed rooms are subject to changes by the staff as we optimize for hotel capacity.
{% endif %} {# Show notice if the room is confirmed #} {% if order.room_confirmed %}✅ Your {{[None,'single','double','triple','quadruple','quintuple'][len(room_members)]}} room has been confirmed
{% endif %} {# Show roommates if room is set #} {% set room = namespace(forbidden=false) %} {% if order.room_id %}ROOM OWNER
{% endif %}{{person.ans('staff_title') if person.ans('staff_title') else ''}} {{'Fursuiter' if person.ans('is_fursuiter') != 'No'}}
{% if person.status == 'pending' %}UNPAID
{% endif %} {% if order.room_owner and person.code != order.code and (not order.room_confirmed) %}KICK{% endif %}You have have asked to join the room of another member. Wait for them to confirm or reject your request.
Cancel pending join request {% else %}🎲 If you don't join a room or create your one within the room deadline, we will randomly put you into a room with free spots.
To join a room, ask somebody to send you their room code.
{% endif %} {% if order.room_owner and not order.room_confirmed %} {% if room.forbidden %}⚠️ There are roommates for which a payment was not received yet, you will be able to confirm this room only once all payments are completed.
{% endif %} {% endif %}{% if order.room_owner %} {% if len(room_members) == 1 and not order.room_confirmed %} Delete room {% endif %} {% if not order.room_confirmed %} 0 %}href="javascript:document.getElementById('modal-roomconfirm').setAttribute('open', 'true');"{% endif %}>Confirm {{[None,'single','double','triple','quadruple','quintuple'][len(room_members)]}} room {% endif %} {% else %} {% if order.room_id and not order.room_confirmed %} Leave room {% endif %} {% endif %}
{# Pending roommates #} {% if pending_roommates %}These people have asked to join your room.
![]() |
{{person.name}} | {% if person.status == 'pending' %}UNPAID | {% endif %}Approve | Reject |
{{q['name']}} | {{q['available_number']}} left |