{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Admin panel{% endblock %} {% block main %} <main class="container"> <script src="/res/scripts/adminManager.js"></script> <header> <picture> <source srcset="/res/furizon.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme:dark)"> <img src="/res/furizon-light.png" style="height:4rem;text-align:center;"> </picture> </header> <!-- Quick controls --> <h2>Admin panel</h2> <p>Data</p> <a href="/manage/admin/cache/clear" role="button" title="Reload the orders' data and the re-sync items' indexes from pretix">Clear cache</a> <a download href="/manage/admin/export/export" role="button" title="Will export most of informations about the orders">Export CSV</a> <a download href="/manage/admin/export/hotel" role="button" title="Will export a CSV for the hotel accomodation">Export hotel CSV</a> <hr> <p>Rooms</p> <a href="/manage/nosecount" role="button" title="Shortcut to the nosecount's admin data">Manage rooms</a> <a href="/manage/admin/room/verify" role="button" title="Will unconfirm rooms that fail the default check. Useful when editing answers from Pretix">Verify Rooms</a> <a href="/manage/admin/room/wizard" role="button" title="Will try matching roomless furs together, you can still re-arrange the users before confirming.">Fill Rooms</a> <hr> <p>Profiles</p> <a href="#" onclick="confirmAction('propicReminder', this)" role="button" title="Will remind via mail all people who event uploaded a badge to do it" action="/manage/admin/propic/remind">Remind badge upload</a> <a href="/manage/admin/room/autoconfirm" role="button" title="Will confirm all the full rooms that are still unconfirmed">Auto-confirm Rooms</a> <hr> {% include 'components/confirm_action_modal.html' %} </main> {% endblock %}