from sanic import Sanic, response, exceptions from sanic.response import text, html, redirect, raw from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from time import time, sleep import httpx from os.path import join from ext import * from config import * from aztec_code_generator import AztecCode from propic import resetDefaultPropic from io import BytesIO from asyncio import Queue from messages import LOCALES import sqlite3 import requests import sys from sanic.log import logger, logging, access_logger from metrics import * from email_util import killSmptClient import pretixClient import traceback app = Sanic(__name__) app.static("/res", "res/") app.ext.add_dependency(Order, get_order) app.ext.add_dependency(Quotas, get_quotas) from room import bp as room_bp from propic import bp as propic_bp from karaoke import bp as karaoke_bp from stats import bp as stats_bp from api import bp as api_bp from carpooling import bp as carpooling_bp from checkin import bp as checkin_bp from admin import bp as admin_bp app.blueprint([room_bp, karaoke_bp, propic_bp, stats_bp, api_bp, carpooling_bp, checkin_bp, admin_bp]) async def clear_session(response): response.delete_cookie("foxo_code") response.delete_cookie("foxo_secret") @app.exception(exceptions.SanicException if DEV_MODE else Exception) async def handleException(request, exception): incErrorNo() logger.warning(f"{request} -> {exception}") statusCode = exception.status_code if hasattr(exception, 'status_code') else 500 try: tpl = app.ctx.tpl.get_template('error.html') r = html(tpl.render(exception=exception, status_code=statusCode), status=statusCode) except: traceback.print_exc() if statusCode == 403: await clear_session(r) return r @app.before_server_start async def main_start(*_):"[{}] >>>>>> main_start <<<<<<") logger.setLevel(LOG_LEVEL) access_logger.addFilter(MetricsFilter()) app.config.REQUEST_MAX_SIZE = PROPIC_MAX_FILE_SIZE * 3 = OrderManager() if FILL_CACHE: checked, success = await if checked and not success: logger.error(f"[{}] Failure in app startup: An error occurred while loading items or questions or cache.") app.stop() app.ctx.nfc_counts = sqlite3.connect('data/nfc_counts.db') app.ctx.login_codes = {} app.ctx.tpl = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader("tpl"), autoescape=True) app.ctx.tpl.globals.update(time=time) app.ctx.tpl.globals.update(PROPIC_DEADLINE=PROPIC_DEADLINE) app.ctx.tpl.globals.update(LOCALES=LOCALES) app.ctx.tpl.globals.update(ITEMS_ID_MAP=ITEMS_ID_MAP) app.ctx.tpl.globals.update(ITEM_VARIATIONS_MAP=ITEM_VARIATIONS_MAP) app.ctx.tpl.globals.update(ROOM_TYPE_NAMES=ROOM_TYPE_NAMES) app.ctx.tpl.globals.update(PROPIC_MIN_SIZE=PROPIC_MIN_SIZE) app.ctx.tpl.globals.update(PROPIC_MAX_SIZE=PROPIC_MAX_SIZE) app.ctx.tpl.globals.update(PROPIC_MAX_FILE_SIZE=sizeof_fmt(PROPIC_MAX_FILE_SIZE)) app.ctx.tpl.globals.update(int=int) app.ctx.tpl.globals.update(len=len) @app.route("/manage/barcode/") async def gen_barcode(request, code): aa = AztecCode(code).image(module_size=8, border=2) img = BytesIO(), format='PNG') return raw(img.getvalue(), content_type="image/png") @app.route("/manage/lol") async def lol(request: Request): await get_quotas(request) return text('hi') @app.route(f"/{ORGANIZER}/{EVENT_NAME}/order///open/") async def redirect_explore(request, code, secret, order: Order, secret2=None): r = redirect(app.url_for("welcome")) if order and order.code != code: order = None if not order: res = await pretixClient.get(f"orders/{code}/", expectedStatusCodes=None) if res.status_code != 200: raise exceptions.NotFound("This order code does not exist. Check that your order wasn't deleted, or the link is correct.") res = res.json() if secret != res['secret']: raise exceptions.Forbidden("The secret part of the url is not correct. Check your E-Mail for the correct link, or contact support!") r.cookies['foxo_code'] = code r.cookies['foxo_secret'] = secret return r @app.route("/manage/privacy") async def privacy(request): tpl = app.ctx.tpl.get_template('privacy.html') return html(tpl.render()) @app.route("/manage/welcome") async def welcome(request, order: Order, quota: Quotas): if not order: raise exceptions.Forbidden("You have been logged out. Please access the link in your E-Mail to login again!") if order.ans("propic_file") is None: await resetDefaultPropic(request, order, False) if order.ans("propic_fursuiter_file") is None: await resetDefaultPropic(request, order, True) pending_roommates = [] if order.pending_roommates: for pr in order.pending_roommates: if not pr: continue pending_roommates.append(await, cached=True)) room_members = [] if order.room_id: if order.room_id != order.code: room_owner = await, cached=True) else: room_owner = order room_members.append(room_owner) for member_id in room_owner.ans('room_members').split(','): if member_id == room_owner.code: continue if member_id == order.code: room_members.append(order) else: room_members.append(await, cached=True)) tpl = app.ctx.tpl.get_template('welcome.html') return html(tpl.render(order=order, quota=quota, room_members=room_members, pending_roommates=pending_roommates, ROOM_ERROR_MESSAGES=ROOM_ERROR_TYPES)) @app.route("/manage/download_ticket") async def download_ticket(request, order: Order): if not order: raise exceptions.Forbidden("You have been logged out. Please access the link in your E-Mail to login again!") if not order.status != 'confirmed': raise exceptions.Forbidden("You are not allowed to download this ticket.") res = await pretixClient.get(f"orders/{order.code}/download/pdf/", expectedStatusCodes=[200, 404, 409, 403]) if res.status_code == 409 or res.status_code == 404: raise exceptions.SanicException("Your ticket is still being generated. Please try again later!", status_code=res.status_code) elif res.status_code == 403: raise exceptions.SanicException("You can download your ticket only after the order has been confirmed and paid. Try later!", status_code=400) return raw(res.content, content_type='application/pdf') @app.route("/manage/admin") async def admin(request, order: Order): await if not order: raise exceptions.Forbidden("You have been logged out. Please access the link in your E-Mail to login again!") if EXTRA_PRINTS:"Checking admin credentials of {order.code} with secret {order.secret}") if not order.isAdmin(): raise exceptions.Forbidden("Birichino :)") tpl = app.ctx.tpl.get_template('admin.html') return html(tpl.render(order=order)) @app.route("/manage/logout") async def logout(request): orgCode = request.cookies.get("foxo_code_ORG") orgSecret = request.cookies.get("foxo_secret_ORG") if orgCode != None and orgSecret != None: r = redirect(f'/manage/welcome') r.cookies['foxo_code'] = orgCode r.cookies['foxo_secret'] = orgSecret r.delete_cookie("foxo_code_ORG") r.delete_cookie("foxo_secret_ORG") return r raise exceptions.Forbidden("You have been logged out.") @app.signal("server.shutdown.before") async def sigintHandler(app, loop): killSmptClient() @app.get(METRICS_PATH) async def metrics(request): return text(getMetricsText() + "\n" + getRoomCountersText(request)) @app.on_request async def countReqs(request : Request): global METRICS_REQ_NO if(request.path != METRICS_PATH): incReqNo() if __name__ == "__main__": # Wait for pretix in server reboot # Using a docker configuration, pretix may be unable to talk with postgres if postgres' service started before it. # To fix this issue I added a After=pretix.service to the [Unit] section of /lib/systemd/system/postgresql@.service # to let it start in the correct order. The following piece of code makes sure that pretix is running and can talk to # postgres before actually starting the reserved area, since this operation requires a cache-fill in startup print("Waiting for pretix to be up and running", file=sys.stderr) while not SKIP_HEALTHCHECK: print("Trying connecting to pretix...", file=sys.stderr) try: incPretixRead() res = requests.get(base_url_event, headers=headers) res = res.json() if(res['slug'] == EVENT_NAME): print("Healtchecking...", file=sys.stderr) incPretixRead() res = requests.get(join(domain, "healthcheck"), headers=headers) if(res.status_code == 200): break except: pass sleep(5) print("Connected to pretix!", file=sys.stderr)"", port=8188, dev=DEV_MODE, access_log=ACCESS_LOG)