from dataclasses import dataclass from sanic import Request, exceptions, Sanic import httpx import re from utils import * from config import * from os.path import join import json from sanic.log import logger from time import time from metrics import * import asyncio from threading import Lock import pretixClient import traceback @dataclass class Order: def __init__(self, data): self.time = time() = data self.status = {'n': 'pending', 'p': 'paid', 'e': 'expired', 'c': 'canceled'}[['status']] self.secret = data['secret'] if not len(['positions']): self.status = 'canceled' self.code = data['code'] self.pending_update = False = data['email'] self.has_card = False self.sponsorship = None self.has_early = False self.has_late = False self.first_name = "None" self.last_name = "None" = 'xx' self.address = None self.checked_in = False self.room_type = None self.daily = False self.dailyDays = [] self.bed_in_room = -1 self.room_person_no = -1 self.answers = [] self.position_id = -1 self.position_positionid = -1 self.position_positiontypeid = -1 self.barcode = "None" idata = data['invoice_address'] if idata: self.address = f"{idata['street']} - {idata['zipcode']} {idata['city']} - {idata['country']}" = idata['country'] for p in['positions']: if p['item'] in CATEGORIES_LIST_MAP['tickets']: self.position_id = p['id'] self.position_positionid = p['positionid'] self.position_positiontypeid = p['item'] self.answers = p['answers'] for i, ans in enumerate(self.answers): if(TYPE_OF_QUESTIONS[self.answers[i]['question']] == QUESTION_TYPES['file_upload']): self.answers[i]['answer'] = "file:keep" self.barcode = p['secret'] self.checked_in = bool(p['checkins']) if p['item'] in CATEGORIES_LIST_MAP['dailys']: self.daily = True self.dailyDays.append(CATEGORIES_LIST_MAP['dailys'].index(p['item'])) if p['item'] in CATEGORIES_LIST_MAP['memberships']: self.has_card = True if p['item'] == ITEMS_ID_MAP['sponsorship_item']: sponsorshipType = key_from_value(ITEM_VARIATIONS_MAP['sponsorship_item'], p['variation']) self.sponsorship = sponsorshipType[0].replace ('sponsorship_item_', '') if len(sponsorshipType) > 0 else None if p['attendee_name']: self.first_name = p['attendee_name_parts']['given_name'] self.last_name = p['attendee_name_parts']['family_name'] if p['item'] == ITEMS_ID_MAP['early_arrival_admission']: self.has_early = True if p['item'] == ITEMS_ID_MAP['late_departure_admission']: self.has_late = True if p['item'] == ITEMS_ID_MAP['bed_in_room']: roomTypeLst = key_from_value(ITEM_VARIATIONS_MAP['bed_in_room'], p['variation']) roomTypeId = roomTypeLst[0] if len(roomTypeLst) > 0 else None self.bed_in_room = p['variation'] self.room_person_no = ROOM_CAPACITY_MAP[roomTypeId] if roomTypeId in ROOM_CAPACITY_MAP else self.room_person_no = float(data['total']) self.fees = 0 self.refunds = 0 for fee in data['fees']: self.fees += float(fee['value']) for ref in data['refunds']: self.refunds += float(ref['amount']) answers = ['payment_provider', 'shirt_size', 'birth_date', 'fursona_name', 'room_confirmed', 'room_id'] self.payment_provider = data['payment_provider'] self.comment = data['comment'] = data['phone'] self.room_errors = [] self.loadAns() if(self.bed_in_room < 0 and not self.daily): self.status = "canceled" # Must refer to the previous status assignment def loadAns(self): self.shirt_size = self.ans('shirt_size') self.is_artist = True if self.ans('is_artist') != 'No' else False self.is_fursuiter = True if self.ans('is_fursuiter') != 'No' else False self.is_allergic = True if self.ans('is_allergic') != 'No' else False self.notes = self.ans('notes') self.badge_id = int(self.ans('badge_id')) if self.ans('badge_id') else None self.propic_locked = self.ans('propic_locked') self.propic_fursuiter = self.ans('propic_fursuiter') self.propic = self.ans('propic') self.carpooling_message = json.loads(self.ans('carpooling_message')) if self.ans('carpooling_message') else {} self.karaoke_songs = json.loads(self.ans('karaoke_songs')) if self.ans('karaoke_songs') else {} self.birth_date = self.ans('birth_date') self.birth_location = self.ans('birth_location') = self.ans('fursona_name') self.room_id = self.ans('room_id') self.room_confirmed = self.ans('room_confirmed') self.room_name = self.ans('room_name') self.pending_room = self.ans('pending_room') self.pending_roommates = self.ans('pending_roommates').split(',') if self.ans('pending_roommates') else [] self.room_members = self.ans('room_members').split(',') if self.ans('room_members') else [] self.room_owner = (self.code is not None and self.room_id is not None and self.code.strip() == self.room_id.strip()) self.room_secret = self.ans('room_secret') self.app_token = self.ans('app_token') self.nfc_id = self.ans('nfc_id') self.can_scan_nfc = True if self.ans('can_scan_nfc') != 'No' else False self.actual_room = self.ans('actual_room') self.staff_role = self.ans('staff_role') self.telegram_username = self.ans('telegram_username').strip('@') if self.ans('telegram_username') else None self.shuttle_bus = self.ans('shuttle_bus') def __getitem__(self, var): return[var] def set_room_errors (self, to_set): self.room_errors = to_set def ans(self, name): for p in['positions']: for a in p['answers']: if a.get('question_identifier', None) == name: if a['answer'] in ['True', 'False']: return bool(a['answer'] == 'True') return a['answer'] return None def isBadgeValid (self): return self.ans('propic') and (not self.is_fursuiter or self.ans('propic_fursuiter')) def isAdmin (self): return self.code in ADMINS or self.staff_role in ADMINS_PRETIX_ROLE_NAMES async def edit_answer_fileUpload(self, name, fileName, mimeType, data : bytes): if(mimeType != None and data != None): localHeaders = dict(headers) localHeaders['Content-Type'] = mimeType localHeaders['Content-Disposition'] = f'attachment; filename="{fileName}"' res = await"upload", baseUrl=base_url, headers=localHeaders, content=data, expectedStatusCodes=[201]) res = res.json() await self.edit_answer(name, res['id']) else: await self.edit_answer(name, None) self.loadAns() async def edit_answer(self, name, new_answer): found = False self.pending_update = True for key in range(len(self.answers)): if self.answers[key].get('question_identifier', None) == name: if new_answer != None: if DEV_MODE and EXTRA_PRINTS: logger.debug('[ANSWER EDIT] EXISTING ANSWER UPDATE %s => %s', name, new_answer) self.answers[key]['answer'] = new_answer found = True else: if DEV_MODE and EXTRA_PRINTS: logger.debug('[ANSWER EDIT] DEL ANSWER %s => %s', name, new_answer) del self.answers[key] break if (not found) and (new_answer is not None): res = await pretixClient.get("questions/") res = res.json() for r in res['results']: if r['identifier'] != name: continue if DEV_MODE and EXTRA_PRINTS: logger.debug(f'[ANSWER EDIT] %s => %s', name, new_answer) self.answers.append({ 'question': r['id'], 'answer': new_answer, 'options': r['options'] }) self.loadAns() async def send_answers(self): if DEV_MODE and EXTRA_PRINTS: logger.debug("[ANSWER POST] POSITION ID IS %s", self.position_id) for i, ans in enumerate(self.answers): if TYPE_OF_QUESTIONS[ans['question']] == QUESTION_TYPES["multiple_choice_from_list"]: # if multiple choice identifier = ans['question_identifier'] if self.ans(identifier) == "": #if empty answer await self.edit_answer(identifier, None) # Fix for karaoke fields #if ans['question'] == 40: # del self.answers[i]['options'] # del self.answers[i]['option_identifiers'] res = await pretixClient.patch(f'orderpositions/{self.position_id}/', json={'answers': self.answers}, expectedStatusCodes=None) if res.status_code != 200: e = res.json() if "answers" in e: for ans, err in zip(self.answers, res.json()['answers']): if err: logger.error ('[ANSWERS SENDING] ERROR ON %s %s', ans, err) else: logger.error("[ANSWERS SENDING] GENERIC ERROR. Response: '%s'", str(e)) raise exceptions.ServerError('There has been an error while updating this answers.') for i, ans in enumerate(self.answers): if(TYPE_OF_QUESTIONS[self.answers[i]['question']] == QUESTION_TYPES['file_upload']): self.answers[i]['answer'] = "file:keep" self.pending_update = False self.time = -1 self.loadAns() def get_language(self): return if in AVAILABLE_LOCALES else 'en' @dataclass class Quotas: def __init__(self, data): = data def get_left(self, capacity): for quota in['results']: if quota['id'] == ROOM_QUOTA_ID[capacity]: return quota['available_number'] return 0 async def get_quotas(request: Request=None): res = await pretixClient.get('quotas/?order=id&with_availability=true') res = res.json() return Quotas(res) async def get_order(request: Request=None): await request.receive_body() return await class OrderManager: def __init__(self): self.lastCacheUpdate = 0 self.updating : Lock = Lock() self.empty() def empty(self): self.cache = {} self.order_list = [] # Will fill cache once the last cache update is greater than cache expire time async def update_cache(self, check_itemsQuestions=False): t = time() to_return = False success = True if(t - self.lastCacheUpdate > CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME and not self.updating.locked()): to_return = True success = await self.fill_cache(check_itemsQuestions=check_itemsQuestions) return (to_return, success) def add_cache(self, order, cache=None, orderList=None): # Extra params for dry runs if(cache is None): cache = self.cache if(orderList is None): orderList = self.order_list cache[order.code] = order if not order.code in orderList: orderList.append(order.code) def remove_cache(self, code, cache=None, orderList=None): # Extra params for dry runs if(cache is None): cache = self.cache if(orderList is None): orderList = self.order_list if code in cache: del cache[code] orderList.remove(code) async def fill_cache(self, check_itemsQuestions=False) -> bool: # Check cache lock self.updating.acquire() start_time = time()"[CACHE] Filling cache...") # Index item's ids r = await load_items() if(not r and check_itemsQuestions): logger.error("[CACHE] Items were not loading correctly. Aborting filling cache...") return False # Index questions' types r = await load_questions() if(not r and check_itemsQuestions): logger.error("[CACHE] Questions were not loading correctly. Aborting filling cache...") return False cache = {} orderList = [] success = True p = 0 try: while 1: p += 1 res = await pretixClient.get(f"orders/?page={p}", expectedStatusCodes=[200, 404]) if res.status_code == 404: break # Parse order data data = res.json() for o in data['results']: o = Order(o) if o.status in ['canceled', 'expired']: self.remove_cache(o.code, cache=cache, orderList=orderList) else: self.add_cache(Order(o), cache=cache, orderList=orderList) self.lastCacheUpdate = time()"[CACHE] Cache filled in {self.lastCacheUpdate - start_time}s.") except Exception: logger.error(f"[CACHE] Error while refreshing cache.\n{traceback.format_exc()}") success = False finally: self.updating.release() # Apply new cache if there were no errors if(success): self.cache = cache self.order_list = orderList # Validating rooms rooms = list(filter(lambda o: (o.code == o.room_id), self.cache.values())) asyncio.create_task(validate_rooms(None, rooms, self)) return success async def get_order(self, request=None, code=None, secret=None, nfc_id=None, cached=False): # if it's a nfc id, just retorn it if nfc_id: for order in self.cache.values(): if order.nfc_id == nfc_id: return order await self.update_cache() # If a cached order is needed, just get it if available if code and cached and code in self.cache and time()-self.cache[code].time < 3600: return self.cache[code] # If it's a request, ignore all the other parameters and just get the order of the requestor if request: code = request.cookies.get("foxo_code") secret = request.cookies.get("foxo_secret") if re.match('^[A-Z0-9]{5}$', code or '') and (secret is None or re.match('^[a-z0-9]{16,}$', secret)): if DEV_MODE and EXTRA_PRINTS: logger.debug(f'Fetching {code} with secret {secret}') res = await pretixClient.get(f"orders/{code}/", expectedStatusCodes=None) if res.status_code != 200: if request: raise exceptions.Forbidden("Your session has expired due to order deletion or change! Please check your E-Mail for more info.") else: self.remove_cache(code) return None res = res.json() order = Order(res) if order.status in ['canceled', 'expired']: self.remove_cache(order.code) if request: raise exceptions.Forbidden(f"Your order has been deleted. Contact support with your order identifier ({res['code']}) for further info.") else: self.add_cache(order) if request and secret != res['secret']: raise exceptions.Forbidden("Your session has expired due to a token change. Please check your E-Mail for an updated link!") return order