from sanic.response import html, redirect, text from sanic import Blueprint, exceptions from random import choice from ext import * from config import headers from PIL import Image from os.path import isfile from os import unlink from io import BytesIO from hashlib import sha224 bp = Blueprint("propic", url_prefix="/manage/propic")"/upload") async def upload_propic(request, order: Order): if not order: raise exceptions.Forbidden("You have been logged out. Please access the link in your E-Mail to login again!") if request.form.get('submit') == 'Delete main image': await order.edit_answer('propic', None) if request.form.get('submit') == 'Delete fursuit image': await order.edit_answer('propic_fursuiter', None) for fn, body in request.files.items(): if fn not in ['propic', 'propic_fursuiter']: continue if not body[0].body: continue h = sha224(body[0].body).hexdigest()[:32] try: img =[0].body)) img = img.convert('RGB') img.thumbnail((512,512))"res/propic/{fn}_{order.code}_{h}.jpg") except: raise raise exceptions.BadRequest("The image you uploaded is not valid.") else: await order.edit_answer(fn, f"{fn}_{order.code}_{h}.jpg") await order.send_answers() return redirect("/manage/welcome#badge")