ROOM_ERROR_TYPES = { 'room_id_mismatch': "There's a member in your room that is actually in another room, too. Please contact us as soon as possible in order to fix this issue.", 'unpaid': "Somebody in your room has not paid for their reservation, yet.", 'type_mismatch': "A member in your room has a ticket for a different type of room capacity. This happens when users swap their room types with others, without abandoning the room.", 'daily': "Some member in your room has a Daily ticket. These tickets do not include a hotel reservation.", 'capacity_mismatch': "The number of people in your room mismatches your type of ticket." } ROOM_UNCONFIRM_TITLE = "Your room got unconfirmed" ROOM_UNCONFIRM_TEXT = { 'html': "Hello {0}
We had to unconfirm your room '{1}' due to the following problem/s:
Please contact your room's owner or contact our support for further informations at
Thank you", 'plain': "Hello {0}\nWe had to unconfirm your room '{1}' due to the following problem/s:\n{2}\nPlease contact your room's owner or contact our support for further informations at\nThank you" }