from os.path import join from sanic import exceptions from config import * import httpx METADATA_TAG = "meta_data" VARIATIONS_TAG = "variations" QUESTION_TYPES = { # "number": "N", "one_line_string": "S", "multi_line_string": "T", "boolean": "B", "choice_from_list": "C", "multiple_choice_from_list": "M", "file_upload": "F", "date": "D", "time": "H", "date_time": "W", "country_code": "CC", "telephone_number": "TEL" } TYPE_OF_QUESTIONS = {} # maps questionId -> type async def load_questions(): global TYPE_OF_QUESTIONS TYPE_OF_QUESTIONS.clear() async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: p = 0 while 1: p += 1 res = await client.get(join(base_url_event, f"questions/?page={p}"), headers=headers) if res.status_code == 404: break data = res.json() for q in data['results']: TYPE_OF_QUESTIONS[q['id']] = q['type'] async def load_items(): global ITEMS_ID_MAP global ITEM_VARIATIONS_MAP global CATEGORIES_LIST_MAP global ROOM_TYPE_NAMES async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: p = 0 while 1: p += 1 res = await client.get(join(base_url_event, f"items/?page={p}"), headers=headers) if res.status_code == 404: break data = res.json() for q in data['results']: # Map item id itemName = check_and_get_name ('item', q) if itemName and itemName in ITEMS_ID_MAP: ITEMS_ID_MAP[itemName] = q['id'] # If item has variations, map them, too if itemName in ITEM_VARIATIONS_MAP and VARIATIONS_TAG in q: isBedInRoom = itemName == 'bed_in_room' for v in q[VARIATIONS_TAG]: variationName = check_and_get_name('variation', v) if variationName and variationName in ITEM_VARIATIONS_MAP[itemName]: ITEM_VARIATIONS_MAP[itemName][variationName] = v['id'] if isBedInRoom and variationName in ITEM_VARIATIONS_MAP['bed_in_room']: roomName = v['name'] if 'name' in v and isinstance(v['name'], str) else None if not roomName and 'value' in v: roomName = v['value'][list(v['value'].keys())[0]] ROOM_TYPE_NAMES[v['id']] = roomName # Adds itself to the category list categoryName = check_and_get_category ('item', q) if not categoryName: continue CATEGORIES_LIST_MAP[categoryName].append(q['id']) if (EXTRA_PRINTS): print (f'Mapped Items:') print (ITEMS_ID_MAP) print (f'Mapped Variations:') print (ITEM_VARIATIONS_MAP) print (f'Mapped categories:') print (CATEGORIES_LIST_MAP) print (f'Mapped Rooms:') print (ROOM_TYPE_NAMES) # Tries to get an item name from metadata. Prints a warning if an item has no metadata def check_and_get_name(type, q): itemName = extract_metadata_name(q) if not itemName and EXTRA_PRINTS: print (type + ' ' + q['id'] + ' has not been mapped.') return itemName def check_and_get_category (type, q): categoryName = extract_category (q) if not categoryName and EXTRA_PRINTS: print (type + ' ' + q['id'] + ' has no category set.') return categoryName # Checks if the item has specified metadata name def internal_name_check (toExtract, name): return toExtract and name and METADATA_TAG in toExtract and toExtract[METADATA_TAG][METADATA_NAME] == str(name) # Returns the item_name metadata from the item or None if not defined def extract_metadata_name (toExtract): return extract_data(toExtract, [METADATA_TAG, METADATA_NAME]) # Returns the category_name metadata from the item or None if not defined def extract_category (toExtract): return extract_data(toExtract, [METADATA_TAG, METADATA_CATEGORY]) def extract_data (dataFrom, tags): data = dataFrom for t in tags: if t not in data: return None data = data[t] return data def key_from_value(dict, value): return [k for k,v in dict.items() if v == value] def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix="B"): for unit in ("", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z"): if abs(num) < 1000.0: return f"{num:3.1f}{unit}{suffix}" num /= 1000.0 return f"{num:.1f}Yi{suffix}" async def get_order_by_code(request, code, throwException=False): res = await if not throwException: return res if res is None: raise exceptions.BadRequest(f"[getOrderByCode] Code {code} not found!") return res def get_people_in_room_by_code(request, code): c = ret = [] for person in c.values(): if person.room_id == code: ret.append(person) return ret