from sanic.response import html from sanic import Blueprint, Request from messages import NOSECOUNT from ext import * bp = Blueprint("stats", url_prefix="/manage") @bp.route("/sponsorcount") async def sponsor_count(request, order: Order): await orders = {key:value for key,value in sorted(, key=lambda x: x[1].ans('fursona_name')) if value.status not in ['c', 'e']} tpl ='sponsorcount.html') return html(tpl.render(orders=orders, order=order)) def calc_filter(orders: dict, filter_cmd: str, order: Order) -> tuple[dict, str]: if not filter_cmd or len(filter_cmd) == 0 or not orders or len(orders.keys()) == 0: return if filter_cmd.lower() == "capacity": return {key:value for key,value in orders.items() if (not value.room_confirmed and value.bed_in_room == order.bed_in_room)}, NOSECOUNT['filters'][filter_cmd.lower()] else: return None, None @bp.route("/nosecount") async def nose_count(request: Request, order: Order): await orders = {key:value for key,value in sorted(, key=lambda x: len(x[1].room_members), reverse=True) if value.status not in ['c', 'e']} filtered: dict = None filter_message: str = None for query in request.query_args: if query[0] == "filter" and order: filtered, filter_message = calc_filter(orders, query[1], order) if filter else None tpl ='nosecount.html') return html(tpl.render(orders=orders, order=order, filtered=filtered, filter_header=filter_message)) @bp.route("/fursuitcount") async def fursuit_count(request, order: Order): await orders = {key:value for key,value in sorted(, key=lambda x: x[1].ans('fursona_name')) if value.status not in ['c', 'e']} tpl ='fursuitcount.html') return html(tpl.render(orders=orders, order=order))