from sanic.log import logging LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG API_TOKEN = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' ORGANIZER = 'furizon' EVENT_NAME = 'overlord' HOSTNAME = '' SKIP_HEALTHCHECK = False headers = {'Host': HOSTNAME, 'Authorization': f'Token {API_TOKEN}'} domain = "http://urlllllllllllllllllllll/" base_url = "{domain}api/v1/" base_url_event = f"{base_url}organizers/{ORGANIZER}/events/{EVENT_NAME}/" PROPIC_DEADLINE = 9999999999 PROPIC_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024 # 5MB PROPIC_MAX_SIZE = (2048, 2048) # (Width, Height) PROPIC_MIN_SIZE = (125, 125) # (Width, Height) ROOM_DEADLINE = 9999999999 # This is used for feedback sending inside of the app. Feedbacks will be sent to the specified chat using the bot api id. TG_BOT_API = '123456789:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' TG_CHAT_ID = -1234567 import httpx # Number of tries for a request to the pretix's backend PRETIX_REQUESTS_MAX = 3 PRETIX_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT = httpx.Timeout(15.0, read=30.0, connect=45.0, pool=None) # Timeout for httpx requests in seconds # These order codes have additional functions. ADMINS = ['XXXXX', 'YYYYY'] # A list of staff_roles ADMINS_PRETIX_ROLE_NAMES = ["Reserved Area admin", "main staff"] SMTP_HOST = 'host' SMTP_PORT = 0 SMTP_USER = 'user' SMTP_PASSWORD = 'pw' EMAIL_SENDER_NAME = "Fantastic Furcon Wow" EMAIL_SENDER_MAIL = "" SMPT_CLIENT_CLOSE_TIMEOUT = 60 * 15 # 15 minutes FILL_CACHE = True CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME = 60 * 60 * 4 DEV_MODE = True ACCESS_LOG = True EXTRA_PRINTS = True UNCONFIRM_ROOMS_ENABLE = True METRICS_PATH = "/welcome/metrics" # Additional configured locales. # If an order has a country that's not listed here, # Will default to an english preference. AVAILABLE_LOCALES = ['it',] # Metadata property for item-id mapping METADATA_NAME = "item_name" # Metadata property for internal category mapping (not related to pretix's category) METADATA_CATEGORY = "category_name" SPONSORSHIP_COLOR_MAP = { 'super': (251, 140, 0), 'normal': (142, 36, 170) } # Quotes QUOTES_LIST = [] # Maps Products metadata name <--> ID ITEMS_ID_MAP = { 'early_bird_ticket': None, 'regular_ticket': None, 'staff_ticket': None, 'daily_ticket': None, 'regular_bundle_sponsor_ticket': None, 'sponsorship_item': None, 'early_arrival_admission': None, 'late_departure_admission': None, 'membership_card_item': None, 'bed_in_room': None, 'room_type': None, 'room_guest': None, 'daily_1': None, 'daily_2': None, 'daily_3': None, 'daily_4': None, 'daily_5': None } # Maps Products' variants metadata name <--> ID ITEM_VARIATIONS_MAP = { 'sponsorship_item': { 'sponsorship_item_normal': None, 'sponsorship_item_super': None }, 'bed_in_room': { 'bed_in_room_no_room': None, 'bed_in_room_main_1': None, 'bed_in_room_main_2': None, 'bed_in_room_main_3': None, 'bed_in_room_main_4': None, 'bed_in_room_main_5': None, 'bed_in_room_overflow1_2': None, }, 'room_type': { 'single': None, 'double': None, 'triple': None, 'quadruple': None, 'quintuple': None }, 'room_guest': { 'single': None, 'double': None, 'triple': None, 'quadruple': None, 'quintuple': None } } ADMINS_PRETIX_ROLE_NAMES = ["Reserved Area admin", "main staff"] # Links Products' variants' ids with the internal category name CATEGORIES_LIST_MAP = { 'tickets': [], 'memberships': [], 'sponsorships': [], 'tshirts': [], 'extra_days': [], 'rooms': [], 'dailys': [] } # Create a bunch of "room" items which will get added to the order once somebody gets a room. # Map item_name -> room capacity ROOM_CAPACITY_MAP = { # Default 'bed_in_room_no_room': 0, # SACRO CUORE 'bed_in_room_main_1': 1, 'bed_in_room_main_2': 2, 'bed_in_room_main_3': 3, 'bed_in_room_main_4': 4, 'bed_in_room_main_5': 5, # OVERFLOW 1 'bed_in_room_overflow1_2': 2, } # Autofilled. Maps roomTypeId -> roomName ROOM_TYPE_NAMES = { }