from sanic import Blueprint, exceptions, response from time import time from asyncio import Future import asyncio from datetime import datetime from asyncio import Queue from random import randint from boop_process import boop_process bp = Blueprint("boop", url_prefix="/boop") bp.ctx.boopbox_queue = {'a': Queue(), 'b': Queue(), 'c': Queue()} bp.ctx.busy = {'a': False, 'b': False, 'c': False} bp.ctx.last_tag = {'a': None, 'b': None, 'c': None} bp.ctx.repeats = {'a': None, 'b': None, 'c': None} def enable_nfc(enable, boopbox_id):'NFC is ' + ('enabled' if enable else 'disabled')) app.ctx.queue.put_nowait({'_': 'nfc', 'enabled': enable}) app.ctx.nfc_enabled = enable; @bp.get("/refresh") async def refresh_boops(request): await boop_process(, return response.text('ok') @bp.get("/") async def show_boopbox(request): tpl ='boopbox.html') return response.html(tpl.render()) @bp.get("/getqueue/") async def boop_queue(request, boopbox_id): items = [] queue = bp.ctx.boopbox_queue[boopbox_id] while 1: try: item = queue.get_nowait() except asyncio.queues.QueueEmpty: if items: break # Try one last time to get a task, then fail. bp.ctx.busy[boopbox_id] = False try: item = await asyncio.wait_for(queue.get(), timeout=5) except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError: break items.append(item) if len(items): bp.ctx.busy[boopbox_id] = True return response.json(items)"/read") async def handle_boop(request): payload = request.json queue = bp.ctx.boopbox_queue[payload['boopbox_id']] if bp.ctx.busy[payload['boopbox_id']]: return response.text('busy') await queue.put({'_': 'play', 'src': f"/res/snd/error.wav"}) if bp.ctx.last_tag[payload['boopbox_id']] == payload['id']: bp.ctx.repeats[payload['boopbox_id']] += 1 else: bp.ctx.last_tag[payload['boopbox_id']] = payload['id'] bp.ctx.repeats[payload['boopbox_id']] = 0 if bp.ctx.repeats[payload['boopbox_id']] > 5: await queue.put({'_': 'play', 'src': f"/res/snd/ratelimit.wav"}) await queue.put({'_': 'bye'}) return response.text('ok') if bp.ctx.repeats[payload['boopbox_id']] > 10: await queue.put({'_': 'talk', 'who': 'tiger', 'msg': f"Hey! Stop that! You're not the only one here!"}) await queue.put({'_': 'bye'}) return response.text('ok')'INSERT INTO boop(tag_id, station, ts) VALUES (?,?,?)', (payload['id'], payload['boopbox_id'], int(time()))) return response.text('ok')