ORGANIZER = 'furizon' EVENT_NAME = 'river-side-2023' API_TOKEN = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' HOSTNAME = 'your-pretix-hostname' headers = {'Host': HOSTNAME, 'Authorization': f'Token {API_TOKEN}'} base_url = f"https://{HOSTNAME}/api/v1/organizers/{ORGANIZER}/events/{EVENT_NAME}/" PROPIC_DEADLINE = 1683575684 FILL_CACHE = True DEV_MODE = True ITEM_IDS = { 'ticket': [90,], 'membership_card': [91,], 'sponsorship': [], # first one = normal, second = super 'early_arrival': [], 'late_departure': [], 'room': 98 } # Create a bunch of "room" items which will get added to the order once somebody gets a room. ROOM_MAP = { 1: 16, 2: 17, 3: 18, 4: 19, 5: 20 } # This is used for feedback sending inside of the app. Feedbacks will be sent to the specified chat using the bot api id. TG_BOT_API = '123456789:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' TG_CHAT_ID = -1234567 # These order codes have additional functions. ADMINS = ['XXXXX', 'YYYYY'] SMTP_HOST = '' SMTP_USER = 'username' SMTP_PASSWORD = 'password'