{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Furizon 2023 Carpooling{% endblock %} {% block main %}

Welcome to the carpooling page! Here you can see all of the available seats of other people attending the con. Use the form below to report if you want to offer a ride yourself or are looking for one!

ℹ️ Did you know? Now you can also offer rides and change the destination!

{% if error %}

⚠️ {{error}}

{% endif %}

Trip details

Don't forget to write how you want to be contacted, how many seats are available, the estimated time of departure and what kind of baggage you allow. Also, perhaps time to plan the trip back?

{% if not orders %}

Nobody sharing a trip yet :(
Check back later!

{% endif %} {% for o in orders %}

{{o.name}} {{'is offering' if o.carpooling_message.offer_or_need == 'offer' else 'needs'}} a trip from {{o.carpooling_message.from_location}} {% if o.carpooling_message.to_location %}to {{o.carpooling_message.to_location}}{% endif %} on the {{o.carpooling_message.day_departure[1:]}} of {{'May' if o.carpooling_message.day_departure[0] == 'm' else 'June'}}.

{{o.carpooling_message.message|escape|replace("\n", "

{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}