from sanic.response import html, redirect from sanic import Blueprint, exceptions from ext import * from config import PROPIC_DEADLINE from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO from hashlib import sha224 from time import time import os bp = Blueprint("propic", url_prefix="/manage/propic") async def resetDefaultPropic(request, order: Order, isFursuiter, sendAnswer=True): s = "_fursuiter" if isFursuiter else "" if (EXTRA_PRINTS): print("Resetting {fn} picture for {orderCod}".format(fn="Badge" if not isFursuiter else "fursuit", orderCod = order.code)) with open("res/propic/default.png", "rb") as f: data = f.close() convertedFilename = order.ans(f'propic{s}') if convertedFilename is not None: convertedFilename = f"res/propic/{convertedFilename}" if os.path.exists(convertedFilename): os.remove(convertedFilename) # converted file originalFilename = f"res/propic/propic{s}_{order.code}_original" if os.path.exists(originalFilename): os.remove(originalFilename) # original file await order.edit_answer_fileUpload(f'propic{s}_file', f'propic{s}_file_{order.code}_default.png', 'image/png', data) if(sendAnswer): await order.send_answers()"/upload") async def upload_propic(request, order: Order): if not order: raise exceptions.Forbidden("You have been logged out. Please access the link in your E-Mail to login again!") if order.propic_locked: raise exceptions.BadRequest("You have been limited from further editing the propic.") if request.form.get('submit') != 'Upload' and time() > PROPIC_DEADLINE: raise exceptions.BadRequest("The deadline has passed. You cannot modify the badges at this moment.") if request.form.get('submit') == 'Delete main image': await resetDefaultPropic(request, order, False, sendAnswer=False) await order.edit_answer('propic', None) #This MUST come after the reset default propic! elif request.form.get('submit') == 'Delete fursuit image': await resetDefaultPropic(request, order, True, sendAnswer=False) await order.edit_answer('propic_fursuiter', None) #This MUST come after the reset default propic! else: for fn, body in request.files.items(): if fn not in ['propic', 'propic_fursuiter']: continue if not body[0].body: continue # Check max file size if EXTRA_PRINTS: print(f"Image {fn} weight: {len(body[0].body)} bytes") if len(body[0].body) > PROPIC_MAX_FILE_SIZE: raise exceptions.BadRequest("File size too large for " + ("Profile picture" if fn == 'propic' else 'Fursuit picture')) errorDetails = '' bodyBytesBuff = None imgBytesBuff = None img = None try: bodyBytesBuff = BytesIO(body[0].body) img = width, height = img.size # Checking for min / max size if width < PROPIC_MIN_SIZE[0] or height < PROPIC_MIN_SIZE[1]: errorDetails = "Image too small [{width}x{width}] for {pfpn}".format(width=width, pfpn=("Profile picture" if fn == 'propic' else 'Fursuit picture')) raise exceptions.BadRequest(errorDetails) if width > PROPIC_MAX_SIZE[0] or height > PROPIC_MAX_SIZE[1]: errorDetails = "Image too big [{width}x{width}] for {pfpn}".format(width=width, pfpn=("Profile picture" if fn == 'propic' else 'Fursuit picture')) raise exceptions.BadRequest(errorDetails) with open(f"res/propic/{fn}_{order.code}_original", "wb") as f: f.write(body[0].body) aspect_ratio = width/height if aspect_ratio > 1: crop_amount = (width - height) / 2 img = img.crop((crop_amount, 0, width - crop_amount, height)) elif aspect_ratio < 1: crop_amount = (height - width) / 2 img = img.crop((0, crop_amount, width, height - crop_amount)) img = img.convert('RGB') width, height = img.size img.thumbnail((512,512)) imgBytesBuff = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') imgBytes = imgBytesBuff.getvalue() with open(f"res/propic/{fn}_{order.code}.jpg", "wb") as f: f.write(imgBytes) await order.edit_answer_fileUpload(f'{fn}_file', f'{fn}_file_{order.code}.jpg', 'image/jpeg', imgBytes) except Exception: import traceback if EXTRA_PRINTS: print(traceback.format_exc()) raise exceptions.BadRequest(errorDetails if errorDetails else "The image you uploaded is not valid.") else: await order.edit_answer(fn, f"{fn}_{order.code}.jpg") if img is not None: img.close() if bodyBytesBuff is not None: bodyBytesBuff.flush() bodyBytesBuff.close() if imgBytesBuff is not None: imgBytesBuff.flush() imgBytesBuff.close() await order.send_answers() return redirect("/manage/welcome#badge")