#!/usr/bin/python from os import listdir, remove from os.path import isfile, join import datetime import subprocess PRETIX_BACKUP = False WEBINT_BACKUP = False BACKUP_DIR_PRETIX = "/home/pretix/backups/" BACKUP_DIR_WEBINT = "/home/webint/backups/" MAX_FILE_NO = 14 COMMAND_PRETIX_POSTGRES = "pg_dump -F p pretix | gzip > %s" # Restore with psql -f %s COMMAND_PRETIX_DATA = "tar -cf %s /var/pretix-data" # Restore with tar -xvf %s. To make .secret readable I used setfacl -m u:pretix:r /var/pretix-data/.secret COMMAND_WEBINT = "tar -cf %s /home/webint/furizon_webint" # Restore with tar -xvf %s def deleteOlder(path : str, prefix : str, postfix : str): backupFileNames = sorted([f for f in listdir(path) if (isfile(join(path, f)) and f.startswith(prefix) and f.endswith(postfix))]) while(len(backupFileNames) > MAX_FILE_NO): print(f"Removing {backupFileNames[0]}") remove(join(path, backupFileNames[0])) backupFileNames.pop(0) def genFileName(prefix : str, postfix : str): return prefix + "_" + datetime.datetime.now(datetime.UTC).strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') + "_" + postfix def runBackup(prefix : str, postfix : str, path : str, command : str): deleteOlder(path, prefix, postfix) name = join(path, genFileName(prefix, postfix)) process = subprocess.Popen(command % name, shell=True) process.wait() if(PRETIX_BACKUP): runBackup("pretix_postres", "backup.sql.gz", join(BACKUP_DIR_PRETIX, "postgres"), COMMAND_PRETIX_POSTGRES) runBackup("pretix_data", "backup.tar.gz", join(BACKUP_DIR_PRETIX, "data"), COMMAND_PRETIX_DATA) if(WEBINT_BACKUP): runBackup("webint_full", "backup.tar.gz", BACKUP_DIR_WEBINT, COMMAND_WEBINT)