
55 lines
2.0 KiB

from sanic.response import html
from sanic import Blueprint, exceptions
from ext import *
import json
bp = Blueprint("carpooling", url_prefix="/manage/carpooling")
async def carpooling_list(request, order: Order, error=None):
if not order: raise exceptions.Forbidden("You have been logged out. Please access the link in your E-Mail to login again!")
orders = [value for value in request.app.ctx.om.cache.values() if value.status not in ['c', 'e'] and value.carpooling_message]
tpl = request.app.ctx.tpl.get_template('carpooling.html')
return html(tpl.render(orders=orders, order=order, error=error))
async def carpooling_update(request, order: Order):
if not order: raise exceptions.Forbidden("You have been logged out. Please access the link in your E-Mail to login again!")
wants_carpool = request.form.get("wants_carpool")
error = None
if wants_carpool == 'on':
payload = {}
for field in ['from_location', 'offer_or_need', 'day_departure', 'message']:
val = request.form.get(field)
if not val and field != 'to_location':
error = f"One of the forms contains invalid values. ({field})"
elif len(val) > 64 and field != 'message':
error = "One of the forms contains too long values."
elif val not in ['offer', 'need'] and field == 'offer_or_need':
error = "Offer or need form is not valid!"
elif len(val) > 1000 and field == 'message':
error = "The message cannot be longer than 1000 characters!"
elif val.count("\n") > 6:
error = "Please do not use more than 6 line breaks in the message!"
payload[field] = val
if request.form.get('to_location'):
payload['to_location'] = request.form.get('to_location')
if not error:
order.carpooling_message = payload
await order.edit_answer('carpooling_message', json.dumps(payload))
order.carpooling_message = {}
await order.edit_answer('carpooling_message', '{}')
await order.send_answers()
return await carpooling_list(request, order=order, error=error)