
94 lines
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from sanic.response import html, redirect, text
from sanic import Blueprint, exceptions, response
from ext import *
from urllib.parse import unquote
from config import ADMINS
from utils import isSessionAdmin
import json
bp = Blueprint("karaoke", url_prefix="/manage/karaoke")
async def show_songs(request, order: Order):
if not await isSessionAdmin(request, order):
raise exceptions.Forbidden("Birichino")
orders = [x for x in request.app.ctx.om.cache.values() if x.karaoke_songs]
songs = []
for o in orders:
if not o.karaoke_songs: continue
for song, data in o.karaoke_songs.items():
songs.append({'song': song, 'order': o, **data})
tpl = request.app.ctx.tpl.get_template('karaoke_admin.html')
return html(tpl.render(songs=songs))
async def approve_songs(request, order: Order):
if not await isSessionAdmin(request, order):
raise exceptions.Forbidden("Birichino")
for song in request.form:
o = await request.app.ctx.om.get_order(code=song[:5])
o.karaoke_songs[song[5:]]['approved'] = request.form[song][0] == 'yes'
await order.edit_answer('karaoke_songs', json.dumps(o.karaoke_songs))
await order.send_answers()
return response.redirect('/manage/karaoke/admin')
async def sing_song(request, order: Order, songname):
if not order: raise exceptions.Forbidden("You have been logged out. Please access the link in your E-Mail to login again!")
if not await isSessionAdmin(request, order):
raise exceptions.Forbidden("Birichino")
songname = unquote(songname)
o = await request.app.ctx.om.get_order(code=songname[:5])
o.karaoke_songs[songname[5:]]['singed'] = True
await order.edit_answer('karaoke_songs', json.dumps(o.karaoke_songs))
await order.send_answers()
return redirect("/manage/karaoke/admin")
async def add_song(request, order: Order):
if not order: raise exceptions.Forbidden("You have been logged out. Please access the link in your E-Mail to login again!")
song = request.form.get('song')
if not song:
raise exceptions.BadRequest("This song is not valid!")
karaoke_songs = order.karaoke_songs or {}
if song not in karaoke_songs:
karaoke_songs[song[:64]] = {'approved': None, 'ts': time(), 'contest': bool(request.form.get('wants_contest'))}
await order.edit_answer('karaoke_songs', json.dumps(karaoke_songs))
await order.send_answers()
return redirect("/manage/welcome#karaoke")
async def del_song(request, order: Order, songname):
if not order: raise exceptions.Forbidden("You have been logged out. Please access the link in your E-Mail to login again!")
karaoke_songs = order.karaoke_songs or {}
songname = unquote(songname)
if not songname in karaoke_songs:
raise exceptions.BadRequest(f"The song you're trying to delete {songname} does not exist in your list of songs.")
del karaoke_songs[songname]
await order.edit_answer('karaoke_songs', json.dumps(karaoke_songs))
await order.send_answers()
return redirect("/manage/welcome#karaoke")