# Eris-Update-script Downloads needed model files to be an Eris Bot worker Start parameters for erisupdate.py: `-si` or `--skipimage` : Skips the download of the preview images, Applies to all Model Types `-sl` or `--skiplora` : Skips check of lora models `-ss` or `--skipsdmodel` : Skips check of stable-diffusion models `-se` or `--skipemb` : Skips check of embedding models `-c` or `--cleanup` : Deletes any models that are locally but not on the eris model list. Affected by Skip Triggers Run `erisupdate.bat` for Windows or `erisupdate.sh` for Linux If no `eris.json` file is found, a scan will be started automatically You can run `erisscan.bat` for Windows or `erisscan.sh` for Linux to update the eris.json file if you added or deleted any files in `./embeddings`, `./models/lora` or `./models/stable-diffusion`