import { UTCDateMini } from "@date-fns/utc"; import { hoursToMilliseconds, isSameDay, minutesToMilliseconds } from "date-fns"; import { getLogger } from "std/log/mod.ts"; import { JsonSchema, jsonType } from "t_rest/server"; import { db } from "./db.ts"; import { generationStore } from "./generationStore.ts"; import { kvMemoize } from "./kvMemoize.ts"; const logger = () => getLogger(); export const dailyStatsSchema = { type: "object", properties: { userIds: { type: "array", items: { type: "number" } }, imageCount: { type: "number" }, stepCount: { type: "number" }, pixelCount: { type: "number" }, pixelStepCount: { type: "number" }, timestamp: { type: "number" }, }, required: ["userIds", "imageCount", "stepCount", "pixelCount", "pixelStepCount", "timestamp"], } as const satisfies JsonSchema; export type DailyStats = jsonType; export const getDailyStats = kvMemoize( db, ["dailyStats"], async (year: number, month: number, day: number): Promise => { const userIdSet = new Set(); let imageCount = 0; let stepCount = 0; let pixelCount = 0; let pixelStepCount = 0; const after = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day)); const before = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day + 1)); logger().info(`Calculating daily stats for ${year}-${month}-${day}`); for await ( const generation of generationStore.listAll({ after, before }) ) { userIdSet.add(; imageCount++; stepCount += ?? 0; pixelCount += ( ?? 0) * ( ?? 0); pixelStepCount += ( ?? 0) * ( ?? 0) * ( ?? 0); } return { userIds: [...userIdSet], imageCount, stepCount, pixelCount, pixelStepCount, timestamp:, }; }, { // expire in 1 minute if was calculated on the same day, otherwise 7-14 days. expireIn: (result, year, month, day) => { const requestDate = new UTCDateMini(year, month - 1, day); const calculatedDate = new UTCDateMini(result.timestamp); return isSameDay(requestDate, calculatedDate) ? minutesToMilliseconds(1) : hoursToMilliseconds(24 * 7 + Math.random() * 24 * 7); }, // should cache if the stats are non-zero shouldCache: (result) => result.userIds.length > 0 || result.imageCount > 0 || result.pixelCount > 0, }, );