import { autoQuote, autoRetry, bold, Bot, Context, DenoKVAdapter, fmt, hydrateReply, ParseModeFlavor, session, SessionFlavor, } from "./deps.ts"; import { fmtArray, formatOrdinal } from "./intl.ts"; import { queue } from "./queue.ts"; import { SdRequest } from "./sd.ts"; type AppContext = ParseModeFlavor & SessionFlavor; interface SessionData { global: { adminUsernames: string[]; pausedReason: string | null; sdApiUrl: string; maxUserJobs: number; maxJobs: number; defaultParams?: Partial; }; user: { steps: number; detail: number; batchSize: number; }; } export const bot = new Bot(Deno.env.get("TG_BOT_TOKEN") ?? ""); bot.use(autoQuote); bot.use(hydrateReply); bot.api.config.use(autoRetry({ maxRetryAttempts: 5, maxDelaySeconds: 60 })); const db = await Deno.openKv("./app.db"); const getDefaultGlobalSession = (): SessionData["global"] => ({ adminUsernames: (Deno.env.get("ADMIN_USERNAMES") ?? "").split(",").filter(Boolean), pausedReason: null, sdApiUrl: Deno.env.get("SD_API_URL") ?? "", maxUserJobs: 3, maxJobs: 20, defaultParams: { batch_size: 1, n_iter: 1, width: 128 * 2, height: 128 * 3, steps: 20, cfg_scale: 9, send_images: true, negative_prompt: "boring_e621_fluffyrock_v4 boring_e621_v4", }, }); bot.use(session({ type: "multi", global: { getSessionKey: () => "global", initial: getDefaultGlobalSession, storage: new DenoKVAdapter(db), }, user: { initial: () => ({ steps: 20, detail: 8, batchSize: 2, }), }, })); export async function getGlobalSession(): Promise { const entry = await db.get(["sessions", "global"]); return entry.value ?? getDefaultGlobalSession(); } bot.api.setMyShortDescription("I can generate furry images from text"); bot.api.setMyDescription( "I can generate furry images from text. Send /txt2img to generate an image.", ); bot.api.setMyCommands([ { command: "txt2img", description: "Generate an image" }, { command: "queue", description: "Show the current queue" }, { command: "sdparams", description: "Show the current SD parameters" }, ]); bot.command("start", (ctx) => ctx.reply("Hello! Use the /txt2img command to generate an image")); bot.command("txt2img", async (ctx) => { if (!ctx.from?.id) { return ctx.reply("I don't know who you are"); } const config =; if (config.pausedReason != null) { return ctx.reply(`I'm paused: ${config.pausedReason || "No reason given"}`); } if (queue.length >= config.maxJobs) { return ctx.reply( `The queue is full. Try again later. (Max queue size: ${config.maxJobs})`, ); } const jobCount = queue.filter((job) => job.userId ===; if (jobCount >= config.maxUserJobs) { return ctx.reply( `You already have ${config.maxUserJobs} jobs in queue. Try again later.`, ); } if (!ctx.match) { return ctx.reply("Please describe what you want to see after the command"); } const place = queue.length + 1; const queueMessage = await ctx.reply(`You are ${formatOrdinal(place)} in queue.`); const userName = [ctx.from.first_name, ctx.from.last_name].filter(Boolean).join(" "); const chatName = === "supergroup" || === "group" ? : "private chat"; queue.push({ params: { prompt: ctx.match }, userId:, userName, chatId:, chatName, requestMessageId: ctx.message.message_id, statusMessageId: queueMessage.message_id, }); console.log(`Enqueued job for ${userName} in chat ${chatName}`); }); bot.command("queue", (ctx) => { if (queue.length === 0) return ctx.reply("Queue is empty"); return ctx.replyFmt( fmt`Current queue:\n\n${ fmtArray(, index) => fmt`${bold(index + 1)}. ${bold(job.userName)} in ${bold(job.chatName)}` ), "\n", ) }`, ); }); bot.command("pause", (ctx) => { if (!ctx.from?.username) return; const config =; if (!config.adminUsernames.includes(ctx.from.username)) return; if (config.pausedReason != null) { return ctx.reply(`Already paused: ${config.pausedReason}`); } config.pausedReason = ctx.match ?? "No reason given"; return ctx.reply("Paused"); }); bot.command("resume", (ctx) => { if (!ctx.from?.username) return; const config =; if (!config.adminUsernames.includes(ctx.from.username)) return; if (config.pausedReason == null) return ctx.reply("Already running"); config.pausedReason = null; return ctx.reply("Resumed"); }); bot.command("setsdapiurl", async (ctx) => { if (!ctx.from?.username) return; const config =; if (!config.adminUsernames.includes(ctx.from.username)) return; if (!ctx.match) return ctx.reply("Please specify an URL"); let url: URL; try { url = new URL(ctx.match); } catch { return ctx.reply("Invalid URL"); } let resp: Response; try { resp = await fetch(new URL("config", url)); } catch (err) { return ctx.reply(`Could not connect: ${err}`); } if (!resp.ok) { return ctx.reply(`Could not connect: ${resp.status} ${resp.statusText}`); } let data: unknown; try { data = await resp.json(); } catch { return ctx.reply("Invalid response from API"); } if (data != null && typeof data === "object" && "version" in data) { config.sdApiUrl = url.toString(); return ctx.reply(`Now using SD at ${url} running version ${data.version}`); } else { return ctx.reply("Invalid response from API"); } }); bot.command("setsdparam", (ctx) => { if (!ctx.from?.username) return; const config =; if (!config.adminUsernames.includes(ctx.from.username)) return; let [param = "", value] = ctx.match.split("=", 2).map((s) => s.trim()); if (!param) return ctx.reply("Please specify a parameter"); if (value == null) return ctx.reply("Please specify a value after the ="); param = param.toLowerCase().replace(/[\s_]+/g, ""); if (config.defaultParams == null) config.defaultParams = {}; switch (param) { case "steps": { const steps = parseInt(value); if (isNaN(steps)) return ctx.reply("Invalid number value"); if (steps > 100) return ctx.reply("Steps must be less than 100"); if (steps < 10) return ctx.reply("Steps must be greater than 10"); config.defaultParams.steps = steps; return ctx.reply("Steps set to " + steps); } case "detail": case "cfgscale": { const detail = parseInt(value); if (isNaN(detail)) return ctx.reply("Invalid number value"); if (detail > 20) return ctx.reply("Detail must be less than 20"); if (detail < 1) return ctx.reply("Detail must be greater than 1"); config.defaultParams.cfg_scale = detail; return ctx.reply("Detail set to " + detail); } case "niter": case "niters": { const nIter = parseInt(value); if (isNaN(nIter)) return ctx.reply("Invalid number value"); if (nIter > 10) return ctx.reply("Iterations must be less than 10"); if (nIter < 1) return ctx.reply("Iterations must be greater than 1"); config.defaultParams.n_iter = nIter; return ctx.reply("Iterations set to " + nIter); } case "batchsize": { const batchSize = parseInt(value); if (isNaN(batchSize)) return ctx.reply("Invalid number value"); if (batchSize > 8) return ctx.reply("Batch size must be less than 8"); if (batchSize < 1) return ctx.reply("Batch size must be greater than 1"); config.defaultParams.batch_size = batchSize; return ctx.reply("Batch size set to " + batchSize); } case "size": { let [width, height] = value.split("x", 2).map((s) => parseInt(s.trim())); if (!width || !height || isNaN(width) || isNaN(height)) { return ctx.reply("Invalid size value"); } if (width > 2048) return ctx.reply("Width must be less than 2048"); if (height > 2048) return ctx.reply("Height must be less than 2048"); // find closest multiple of 64 width = Math.round(width / 64) * 64; height = Math.round(height / 64) * 64; if (width <= 0) return ctx.reply("Width too small"); if (height <= 0) return ctx.reply("Height too small"); config.defaultParams.width = width; config.defaultParams.height = height; return ctx.reply(`Size set to ${width}x${height}`); } case "negativeprompt": { config.defaultParams.negative_prompt = value; return ctx.reply(`Negative prompt set to: ${value}`); } default: { return ctx.reply("Invalid parameter"); } } }); bot.command("sdparams", (ctx) => { if (!ctx.from?.username) return; const config =; return ctx.replyFmt(fmt`Current config:\n\n${ fmtArray( Object.entries(config.defaultParams ?? {}).map(([key, value]) => fmt`${bold(key)} = ${String(value)}` ), "\n", ) }`); }); bot.catch((err) => { let msg = "Error processing update"; const { from, chat } = err.ctx; if (from?.first_name) msg += ` from ${from.first_name}`; if (from?.last_name) msg += ` ${from.last_name}`; if (from?.username) msg += ` (@${from.username})`; if (chat?.type === "supergroup" || chat?.type === "group") { msg += ` in ${chat.title}`; if (chat.type === "supergroup" && chat.username) msg += ` (@${chat.username})`; } console.error(msg, err.error); });