import { CommandContext } from "grammy"; import { bold, fmt, FormattedString } from "grammy_parse_mode"; import { distinctBy } from "std/collections/distinct_by.ts"; import { getConfig } from "../app/config.ts"; import { generationStore } from "../app/generationStore.ts"; import { formatUserChat } from "../utils/formatUserChat.ts"; import { ErisContext, logger } from "./mod.ts"; export async function broadcastCommand(ctx: CommandContext) { if (!ctx.from?.username) { return ctx.reply("I don't know who you are."); } const config = await getConfig(); if (!config.adminUsernames.includes(ctx.from.username)) { return ctx.reply("Only a bot admin can use this command."); } const text = ctx.match.trim(); if (!text) { return ctx.reply("Please specify a message to broadcast."); } // find users who interacted with bot in the last 24 hours const gens = await generationStore.getAll( { after: new Date( - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) }, { reverse: true }, ).then((gens) => distinctBy(gens, (gen) =>; let sentCount = 0; const errors: FormattedString[] = []; const getMessage = () => fmt([ fmt`Broadcasted to ${sentCount}/${gens.length} users.\n\n`, errors.length > 0 ? fmt([bold("Errors:"), "\n", ...errors]) : "", ]); const replyMessage = await ctx.replyFmt(getMessage(), { reply_to_message_id: ctx.message?.message_id, }); // send message to each user for (const gen of gens) { try { await ctx.api.sendMessage(, text); logger().info(`Broadcasted to ${formatUserChat({ from: gen.value.from })}`); sentCount++; } catch (err) { logger().error(`Broadcasting to ${formatUserChat({ from: gen.value.from })} failed: ${err}`); errors.push(fmt`${bold(formatUserChat({ from: gen.value.from }))} - ${err.message}\n`); } const fmtMessage = getMessage(); if (sentCount % 20 === 0) { await ctx.api.editMessageText(, replyMessage.message_id, fmtMessage.text, { entities: fmtMessage.entities }, ).catch(() => undefined); } } const fmtMessage = getMessage(); await ctx.api.editMessageText(, replyMessage.message_id, fmtMessage.text, { entities: fmtMessage.entities }, ).catch(() => undefined); }