from telethon import TelegramClient import logging, asyncio from import MessageMediaDocument, DocumentAttributeSticker, DocumentAttributeAnimated, MessageMediaPhoto from telethon import events from import Button from os.path import isfile, join from os import system from time import time from PIL import Image from config import * from os import makedirs logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) client = TelegramClient('bot', API_ID, API_HASH).start(bot_token=BOT_TOKEN) client.flood_sleep_threshold = 120 print_log = {} @client.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='^/id')) async def debug_id(ev): await ev.respond(f"Hello! Your id is `{ev.peer_id.user_id}` please add it to the ADMIN_ID to give youself privileges :)") @client.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='^/start')) async def welcome(ev): await ev.respond(WELCOME_MSG) if (ev.peer_id.user_id not in print_log) and PASSWORD: await ev.respond(UNLOCK_MSG) # This one triggers on a single message with the pin code written @client.on(events.NewMessage(pattern=PASSWORD, func=lambda e: e.is_private)) async def unlock_printer(ev): if ev.peer_id.user_id not in print_log: print_log[ev.peer_id.user_id] = 0 if PASSWORD: await ev.respond(UNLOCKED_MSG) @client.on(events.NewMessage(incoming=True, func=lambda e: e.is_private and async def handler(ev): msg = ev.message if ev.peer_id.user_id not in print_log: await ev.respond(UNLOCK_MSG) # Check if the file is valid if fn = join(CACHE_DIR, f"{}.jpg") elif msg.sticker: fn = join(CACHE_DIR, f"{}.webp") for att in msg.sticker.attributes: if isinstance(att, DocumentAttributeAnimated): fn = None break else: fn = None if not fn: await ev.respond(FORMAT_ERR_MSG) return # Check if the user is still in the cooldown period time_left = int((print_log[ev.peer_id.user_id] + BASE_COOLDOWN) - time()) if time_left > 0: await ev.respond(RATELIMIT_MSG.format(time_left=time_left)) return # Download the file unless it's in the cache! if not isfile(fn): await client.download_media(msg, file=fn) # Try opening the image, at least try: img = except: await ev.respond(FORMAT_ERR_MSG) return # Limit stickers ratio (so people don't print incredibly long stickers) if img.size[1]/img.size[0] > MAX_ASPECT_RATIO: await ev.respond(RATIO_ERR_MSG) return # Remove transparency if img.mode == 'RGBA': bg_img =, img.size, BACKGROUND_COLOR) img = Image.alpha_composite(bg_img, img) # Resize the image img.thumbnail([WIDTH_PX, HEIGHT_PX], resample=Image.LANCZOS, reducing_gap=None) # Convert to grayscale and apply a gamma of 1.8 comment these out when using a VC-500W img = img.convert('L') if GAMMA_CORRECTION != 1: img = Image.eval(img, lambda x: int(255*pow((x/255),(1/GAMMA_CORRECTION)))), 'PNG') await client.forward_messages(ADMIN_ID, ev.message) status_code = system(PRINT_COMMAND) if status_code == 0: print_log[ev.peer_id.user_id] = time() await ev.respond(PRINT_SUCCESS_MSG) else: await ev.respond(PRINT_FAIL_MSG) await client.send_message(ADMIN_ID, f'Printer is not working. Process returned status code {status_code}') if PRINT_SUCCESS_COMMAND: system(PRINT_SUCCESS_COMMAND) if __name__ == '__main__': makedirs(CACHE_DIR, exist_ok=True) client.run_until_disconnected()