from telethon import TelegramClient import logging, asyncio from import MessageMediaDocument, DocumentAttributeSticker, DocumentAttributeAnimated, MessageMediaPhoto from telethon import events from import Button from os.path import isfile, join from grp import getgrgid from os import getgroups from os import system from os import path from time import time from PIL import Image from config import * from os import makedirs import argparse if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='./', description='Recieve images through IRC or Telegram and print the content with brother_ql' ) parser.add_argument('-t', '--telegram', help='Enable Telegram (requires configuration)', action='store_true') # on/off flag parser.add_argument('-i', '--irc', help='Enable IRC (generate random channel and username by default, set values in the configuration if you want a static name)', action='store_true') # on/off flag parser.add_argument('-p', '--printer', help='Printer devicefile, default is /dev/usb/lp0', action='store_true') # on/off flag args = parser.parse_args() # os.getgroups() seems to return the *effective* groups of the current user, not # what is in /etc/group # This is good thing, otherwise the error would disappear even if the user has not # logged in again. if "lp" not in [getgrgid(g).gr_name for g in getgroups()]: print("""Error: User is not in the lp group. Run the following and sign in again: sudo usermod -a -G lp $USER""") # Assumes this hardcoded path, prevent # continuing if there is not even a printer if not path.exists("/dev/usb/lp0"): exit("There seems to be no printer connected.") # By default the printer turns off after a certain time to save power. # For the use case of a public usable printer at events this is # annoying. Currently, there is no function in the brother_ql project to # disable power saving: # The workaround shell command is rewritten to Python code. Please # remove this code if brother_ql implements a working fix themselves with open("/dev/usb/lp0", "wb") as p: p.write(b'\x1b\x69\x55\x41\x00\x00') if args.irc: import bot_irc if args.telegram: import bot_telegram makedirs(CACHE_DIR, exist_ok=True) client.run_until_disconnected()