import { promiseState } from "async"; import { Chat, Message, User } from "grammy_types"; import { JobData, Queue, Worker } from "kvmq"; import createOpenApiClient from "openapi_fetch"; import { delay } from "std/async/delay.ts"; import { decode, encode } from "std/encoding/base64.ts"; import { debug, error, info } from "std/log/mod.ts"; import { ulid } from "ulid"; import { bot } from "../bot/mod.ts"; import { PngInfo } from "../bot/parsePngInfo.ts"; import { formatOrdinal } from "../utils/formatOrdinal.ts"; import { formatUserChat } from "../utils/formatUserChat.ts"; import { getAuthHeader } from "../utils/getAuthHeader.ts"; import { omitUndef } from "../utils/omitUndef.ts"; import { SdError } from "./SdError.ts"; import { getConfig } from "./config.ts"; import { db, fs } from "./db.ts"; import { SdGenerationInfo } from "./generationStore.ts"; import * as SdApi from "./sdApi.ts"; import { uploadQueue } from "./uploadQueue.ts"; import { workerInstanceStore } from "./workerInstanceStore.ts"; interface GenerationJob { task: | { type: "txt2img"; params: Partial; } | { type: "img2img"; params: Partial; fileId: string; }; from: User; chat: Chat; requestMessage: Message; replyMessage: Message; workerInstanceKey?: string; progress?: number; } export const generationQueue = new Queue(db, "jobQueue"); export const activeGenerationWorkers = new Map>(); /** * Initializes queue workers for each SD instance when they become online. */ export async function processGenerationQueue() { while (true) { for await (const workerInstance of workerInstanceStore.listAll()) { const activeWorker = activeGenerationWorkers.get(; if (activeWorker?.isProcessing) { continue; } const workerSdClient = createOpenApiClient({ baseUrl: workerInstance.value.sdUrl, headers: getAuthHeader(workerInstance.value.sdAuth), }); // check if worker is up const activeWorkerStatus = await workerSdClient.GET("/sdapi/v1/memory", { signal: AbortSignal.timeout(10_000), }) .then((response) => { if (! { throw new SdError("Failed to get worker status", response.response, response.error); } return response; }) .catch((error) => { workerInstance.update({ lastError: { message: error.message, time: } }) .catch(() => undefined); debug(`Worker ${workerInstance.value.key} is down: ${error}`); }); if (!activeWorkerStatus?.data) { continue; } // create worker const newWorker = generationQueue.createWorker(async ({ state }, updateJob) => { await processGenerationJob(state, updateJob,; }); newWorker.addEventListener("error", (e) => { error( `Generation failed for ${formatUserChat(e.detail.job.state)}: ${e.detail.error}`, ); bot.api.sendMessage(, `Generation failed: ${e.detail.error}\n\n` + (e.detail.job.retryCount > 0 ? `Will retry ${e.detail.job.retryCount} more times.` : `Aborting.`), { reply_to_message_id: e.detail.job.state.requestMessage.message_id, allow_sending_without_reply: true, }, ).catch(() => undefined); newWorker.stopProcessing(); workerInstance.update({ lastError: { message: e.detail.error.message, time: } }) .catch(() => undefined); info(`Stopped worker ${workerInstance.value.key}`); }); newWorker.addEventListener("complete", () => { workerInstance.update({ lastOnlineTime: }).catch(() => undefined); }); await workerInstance.update({ lastOnlineTime: }); newWorker.processJobs(); activeGenerationWorkers.set(, newWorker); info(`Started worker ${workerInstance.value.key}`); } await delay(60_000); } } /** * Processes a single job from the queue. */ async function processGenerationJob( state: GenerationJob, updateJob: (job: Partial>) => Promise, workerInstanceId: string, ) { const startDate = new Date(); const config = await getConfig(); const workerInstance = await workerInstanceStore.getById(workerInstanceId); if (!workerInstance) { throw new Error(`Unknown workerInstanceId: ${workerInstanceId}`); } const workerSdClient = createOpenApiClient({ baseUrl: workerInstance.value.sdUrl, headers: getAuthHeader(workerInstance.value.sdAuth), }); state.workerInstanceKey = workerInstance.value.key; state.progress = 0; debug(`Generation started for ${formatUserChat(state)}`); await updateJob({ state: state }); // check if bot can post messages in this chat const chat = await bot.api.getChat(; if ( (chat.type === "group" || chat.type === "supergroup") && (!chat.permissions?.can_send_messages || !chat.permissions?.can_send_photos) ) { throw new Error("Bot doesn't have permissions to send photos in this chat"); } // edit the existing status message await bot.api.editMessageText(, state.replyMessage.message_id, `Generating your prompt now... 0% using ${ || workerInstance.value.key }`, { maxAttempts: 1 }, ).catch(() => undefined); // reduce size if worker can't handle the resolution const size = limitSize( omitUndef({ ...config.defaultParams, ...state.task.params }), 1024 * 1024, ); function limitSize( { width, height }: { width?: number; height?: number }, maxResolution: number, ): { width?: number; height?: number } { if (!width || !height) return {}; const ratio = width / height; if (width * height > maxResolution) { return { width: Math.trunc(Math.sqrt(maxResolution * ratio)), height: Math.trunc(Math.sqrt(maxResolution / ratio)), }; } return { width, height }; } // start generating the image const responsePromise = state.task.type === "txt2img" ? workerSdClient.POST("/sdapi/v1/txt2img", { body: omitUndef({ ...config.defaultParams, ...state.task.params, ...size, negative_prompt: state.task.params.negative_prompt ? state.task.params.negative_prompt : config.defaultParams?.negative_prompt, }), }) : state.task.type === "img2img" ? workerSdClient.POST("/sdapi/v1/img2img", { body: omitUndef({ ...config.defaultParams, ...state.task.params, ...size, negative_prompt: state.task.params.negative_prompt ? state.task.params.negative_prompt : config.defaultParams?.negative_prompt, init_images: [ encode( await fetch( `${bot.token}/${await bot.api.getFile( state.task.fileId, ).then((file) => file.file_path)}`, ).then((resp) => resp.arrayBuffer()), ), ], }), }) : undefined; if (!responsePromise) { throw new Error(`Unknown task type: ${state.task.type}`); } // we await the promise only after it finishes // so we need to add catch callback to not crash the process before that responsePromise.catch(() => undefined); // poll for progress while the generation request is pending do { const progressResponse = await workerSdClient.GET("/sdapi/v1/progress", { params: {}, signal: AbortSignal.timeout(15000), }); if (! { throw new SdError( "Progress request failed", progressResponse.response, progressResponse.error, ); } if ( > state.progress) { state.progress =; await updateJob({ state: state }); await bot.api.sendChatAction(, "upload_photo", { maxAttempts: 1 }) .catch(() => undefined); await bot.api.editMessageText(, state.replyMessage.message_id, `Generating your prompt now... ${ ( * 100).toFixed(0) }% using ${ || workerInstance.value.key}`, { maxAttempts: 1 }, ).catch(() => undefined); } await Promise.race([delay(2_000), responsePromise]).catch(() => undefined); } while (await promiseState(responsePromise) === "pending"); // check response const response = await responsePromise; if (! { throw new SdError(`${state.task.type} failed`, response.response, response.error); } if (! { throw new Error("No images returned from SD"); } // info field is a json serialized string so we need to parse it const info: SdGenerationInfo = JSON.parse(; // save images to db const imageKeys: Deno.KvKey[] = []; for (const imageBase64 of { const imageBuffer = decode(imageBase64); const imageKey = ["images", "upload", ulid()]; await fs.set(imageKey, imageBuffer, { expireIn: 30 * 60 * 1000 }); imageKeys.push(imageKey); } // create a new upload job await uploadQueue.pushJob({ chat:, from: state.from, requestMessage: state.requestMessage, replyMessage: state.replyMessage, workerInstanceKey: workerInstance.value.key, startDate, endDate: new Date(), imageKeys, info, }, { retryCount: 5, retryDelayMs: 10000 }); // change status message to uploading images await bot.api.editMessageText(, state.replyMessage.message_id, `Uploading your images...`, { maxAttempts: 1 }, ).catch(() => undefined); debug(`Generation finished for ${formatUserChat(state)}`); } /** * Handles queue updates and updates the status message. */ export async function updateGenerationQueue() { while (true) { const jobs = await generationQueue.getAllJobs(); await Promise.all( (job) => { if (job.status === "processing") { // if the job is processing, the worker will update its status message return; } // spread the updates in time randomly await delay(Math.random() * 3_000); await bot.api.editMessageText(, job.state.replyMessage.message_id, `You are ${formatOrdinal(} in queue.`, { maxAttempts: 1 }, ).catch(() => undefined); })); await delay(10_000); } }