import { Base64, FileType, FmtDuration, Grammy, GrammyParseMode, IKV, Log } from "../deps.ts"; import { bot } from "../bot/mod.ts"; import { getGlobalSession, GlobalData, WorkerData } from "../bot/session.ts"; import { fmt, formatUserChat } from "../utils.ts"; import { SdApiError, sdTxt2Img } from "../sd.ts"; import { JobSchema, jobStore } from "../db/jobStore.ts"; import { runningWorkers } from "./pingWorkers.ts"; const logger = () => Log.getLogger(); /** * Sends waiting jobs to workers. */ export async function processJobs(): Promise { const busyWorkers = new Set(); while (true) { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); try { // get first waiting job const job = await jobStore.getBy("status.type", "waiting").then((jobs) => jobs[0]); if (!job) continue; // find a worker to handle the job const config = await getGlobalSession(); const worker = config.workers?.find((worker) => runningWorkers.has( && !busyWorkers.has( ); if (!worker) continue; // process the job await job.update({ status: { type: "processing", progress: 0, worker:, updatedDate: new Date() }, }); busyWorkers.add(; processJob(job, worker, config) .catch(async (err) => { logger().error( `Job failed for ${formatUserChat(job.value.request)} via ${}: ${err}`, ); if (err instanceof Grammy.GrammyError || err instanceof SdApiError) { await bot.api.sendMessage(, `Failed to generate your prompt: ${err.message}`, { reply_to_message_id: job.value.request.message_id }, ).catch(() => undefined); await job.update({ status: { type: "waiting" } }).catch(() => undefined); } if ( err instanceof SdApiError && (err.statusCode === 0 /* Network error */ || err.statusCode === 404) ) { runningWorkers.delete(; logger().warning( `Worker ${} was marked as offline because of network error`, ); } await job.delete().catch(() => undefined); if (!(err instanceof Grammy.GrammyError) || err.error_code !== 403 /* blocked bot */) { await jobStore.create(job.value); } }) .finally(() => busyWorkers.delete(; } catch (err) { logger().warning(`Processing jobs failed: ${err}`); } } } async function processJob(job: IKV.Model, worker: WorkerData, config: GlobalData) { logger().debug( `Job started for ${formatUserChat(job.value.request)} using ${}`, ); const startDate = new Date(); // if there is already a status message delete it if (job.value.reply) { await bot.api.deleteMessage(, job.value.reply.message_id) .catch(() => undefined); } // send a new status message const newStatusMessage = await bot.api.sendMessage(, `Generating your prompt now... 0% using ${}`, { reply_to_message_id: job.value.request.message_id }, ).catch((err) => { // don't error if the request message was deleted if (err instanceof Grammy.GrammyError && err.message.match(/repl(y|ied)/)) return null; else throw err; }); // if the request message was deleted, cancel the job if (!newStatusMessage) { await job.delete(); logger().info( `Job cancelled for ${formatUserChat(job.value.request)}`, ); return; } await job.update({ reply: newStatusMessage }); // reduce size if worker can't handle the resolution const size = limitSize({ ...config.defaultParams, ...job.value.params }, worker.maxResolution); // process the job const response = await sdTxt2Img( worker.api, { ...config.defaultParams, ...job.value.params, ...size }, async (progress) => { // important: don't let any errors escape this callback if (job.value.reply) { await bot.api.editMessageText(, job.value.reply.message_id, `Generating your prompt now... ${ (progress.progress * 100).toFixed(0) }% using ${}`, ).catch(() => undefined); } await job.update({ status: { type: "processing", progress: progress.progress, worker:, updatedDate: new Date(), }, }).catch(() => undefined); }, ); // upload the result if (job.value.reply) { await bot.api.editMessageText(, job.value.reply.message_id, `Uploading your images...`, ).catch(() => undefined); } // render the caption // const detailedReply = Object.keys(job.value.params).filter((key) => key !== "prompt").length > 0; const detailedReply = true; const jobDurationMs = Math.trunc(( - startDate.getTime()) / 1000) * 1000; const { bold } = GrammyParseMode; const caption = fmt([ `${}\n`, ...detailedReply ? [ ? fmt`${bold("Negative prompt:")} ${}\n` : "", fmt`${bold("Steps:")} ${}, `, fmt`${bold("Sampler:")} ${}, `, fmt`${bold("CFG scale:")} ${}, `, fmt`${bold("Seed:")} ${}, `, fmt`${bold("Size")}: ${}x${}, `, fmt`${bold("Worker")}: ${}, `, fmt`${bold("Time taken")}: ${FmtDuration.format(jobDurationMs, { ignoreZero: true })}`, ] : [], ]); // parse files from reply JSON const inputFiles = await Promise.all( (imageBase64, idx) => { const imageBuffer = Base64.decode(imageBase64); const imageType = await FileType.fileTypeFromBuffer(imageBuffer); if (!imageType) throw new Error("Unknown file type returned from worker"); return new Grammy.InputFile(imageBuffer, `image${idx}.${imageType.ext}`), // if it can fit, add caption for first photo idx === 0 && caption.text.length <= 1024 ? { caption: caption.text, caption_entities: caption.entities } : undefined, ); }), ); // send the result to telegram const resultMessage = await bot.api.sendMediaGroup(, inputFiles, { reply_to_message_id: job.value.request.message_id, }); // send caption in separate message if it couldn't fit if (caption.text.length > 1024 && caption.text.length <= 4096) { await bot.api.sendMessage(, caption.text, { reply_to_message_id: resultMessage[0].message_id, entities: caption.entities, }); } // delete the status message if (job.value.reply) { await bot.api.deleteMessage(, job.value.reply.message_id) .catch(() => undefined) .then(() => job.update({ reply: undefined })) .catch(() => undefined); } // update job to status done await job.update({ status: { type: "done", info:, startDate, endDate: new Date() }, }); logger().debug( `Job finished for ${formatUserChat(job.value.request)} using ${}`, ); } function limitSize( { width, height }: { width?: number; height?: number }, maxResolution: number, ): { width?: number; height?: number } { if (!width || !height) return {}; const ratio = width / height; if (width * height > maxResolution) { return { width: Math.trunc(Math.sqrt(maxResolution * ratio)), height: Math.trunc(Math.sqrt(maxResolution / ratio)), }; } return { width, height }; }