/** * This file was auto-generated by openapi-typescript. * Do not make direct changes to the file. */ export interface paths { "/sdapi/v1/txt2img": { /** Text2Imgapi */ post: operations["text2imgapi_sdapi_v1_txt2img_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/img2img": { /** Img2Imgapi */ post: operations["img2imgapi_sdapi_v1_img2img_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/extra-single-image": { /** Extras Single Image Api */ post: operations["extras_single_image_api_sdapi_v1_extra_single_image_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/extra-batch-images": { /** Extras Batch Images Api */ post: operations["extras_batch_images_api_sdapi_v1_extra_batch_images_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/png-info": { /** Pnginfoapi */ post: operations["pnginfoapi_sdapi_v1_png_info_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/progress": { /** Progressapi */ get: operations["progressapi_sdapi_v1_progress_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/interrogate": { /** Interrogateapi */ post: operations["interrogateapi_sdapi_v1_interrogate_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/interrupt": { /** Interruptapi */ post: operations["interruptapi_sdapi_v1_interrupt_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/skip": { /** Skip */ post: operations["skip_sdapi_v1_skip_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/options": { /** Get Config */ get: operations["get_config_sdapi_v1_options_get"]; /** Set Config */ post: operations["set_config_sdapi_v1_options_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/cmd-flags": { /** Get Cmd Flags */ get: operations["get_cmd_flags_sdapi_v1_cmd_flags_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/samplers": { /** Get Samplers */ get: operations["get_samplers_sdapi_v1_samplers_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/upscalers": { /** Get Upscalers */ get: operations["get_upscalers_sdapi_v1_upscalers_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/latent-upscale-modes": { /** Get Latent Upscale Modes */ get: operations["get_latent_upscale_modes_sdapi_v1_latent_upscale_modes_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/sd-models": { /** Get Sd Models */ get: operations["get_sd_models_sdapi_v1_sd_models_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/sd-vae": { /** Get Sd Vaes */ get: operations["get_sd_vaes_sdapi_v1_sd_vae_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/hypernetworks": { /** Get Hypernetworks */ get: operations["get_hypernetworks_sdapi_v1_hypernetworks_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/face-restorers": { /** Get Face Restorers */ get: operations["get_face_restorers_sdapi_v1_face_restorers_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/realesrgan-models": { /** Get Realesrgan Models */ get: operations["get_realesrgan_models_sdapi_v1_realesrgan_models_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/prompt-styles": { /** Get Prompt Styles */ get: operations["get_prompt_styles_sdapi_v1_prompt_styles_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/embeddings": { /** Get Embeddings */ get: operations["get_embeddings_sdapi_v1_embeddings_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/refresh-checkpoints": { /** Refresh Checkpoints */ post: operations["refresh_checkpoints_sdapi_v1_refresh_checkpoints_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/create/embedding": { /** Create Embedding */ post: operations["create_embedding_sdapi_v1_create_embedding_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/create/hypernetwork": { /** Create Hypernetwork */ post: operations["create_hypernetwork_sdapi_v1_create_hypernetwork_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/preprocess": { /** Preprocess */ post: operations["preprocess_sdapi_v1_preprocess_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/train/embedding": { /** Train Embedding */ post: operations["train_embedding_sdapi_v1_train_embedding_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/train/hypernetwork": { /** Train Hypernetwork */ post: operations["train_hypernetwork_sdapi_v1_train_hypernetwork_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/memory": { /** Get Memory */ get: operations["get_memory_sdapi_v1_memory_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/unload-checkpoint": { /** Unloadapi */ post: operations["unloadapi_sdapi_v1_unload_checkpoint_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/reload-checkpoint": { /** Reloadapi */ post: operations["reloadapi_sdapi_v1_reload_checkpoint_post"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/scripts": { /** Get Scripts List */ get: operations["get_scripts_list_sdapi_v1_scripts_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/script-info": { /** Get Script Info */ get: operations["get_script_info_sdapi_v1_script_info_get"]; }; "/tacapi/v1/lora-info/{lora_name}": { /** Get Lora Info */ get: operations["get_lora_info_tacapi_v1_lora_info__lora_name__get"]; }; "/tacapi/v1/lyco-info/{lyco_name}": { /** Get Lyco Info */ get: operations["get_lyco_info_tacapi_v1_lyco_info__lyco_name__get"]; }; "/tacapi/v1/thumb-preview/{filename}": { /** Get Thumb Preview */ get: operations["get_thumb_preview_tacapi_v1_thumb_preview__filename__get"]; }; "/tacapi/v1/thumb-preview-blob/{filename}": { /** Get Thumb Preview Blob */ get: operations["get_thumb_preview_blob_tacapi_v1_thumb_preview_blob__filename__get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/loras": { /** Get Loras */ get: operations["get_loras_sdapi_v1_loras_get"]; }; "/sdapi/v1/refresh-loras": { /** Refresh Loras */ post: operations["refresh_loras_sdapi_v1_refresh_loras_post"]; }; } export type webhooks = Record; export interface components { schemas: { /** CreateResponse */ CreateResponse: { /** * Create info * @description Response string from create embedding or hypernetwork task. */ info: string; }; /** EmbeddingItem */ EmbeddingItem: { /** * Step * @description The number of steps that were used to train this embedding, if available */ step?: number; /** * SD Checkpoint * @description The hash of the checkpoint this embedding was trained on, if available */ sd_checkpoint?: string; /** * SD Checkpoint Name * @description The name of the checkpoint this embedding was trained on, if available. Note that this is the name that was used by the trainer; for a stable identifier, use `sd_checkpoint` instead */ sd_checkpoint_name?: string; /** * Shape * @description The length of each individual vector in the embedding */ shape: number; /** * Vectors * @description The number of vectors in the embedding */ vectors: number; }; /** EmbeddingsResponse */ EmbeddingsResponse: { /** * Loaded * @description Embeddings loaded for the current model */ loaded: { [key: string]: components["schemas"]["EmbeddingItem"]; }; /** * Skipped * @description Embeddings skipped for the current model (likely due to architecture incompatibility) */ skipped: { [key: string]: components["schemas"]["EmbeddingItem"]; }; }; /** ExtrasBatchImagesRequest */ ExtrasBatchImagesRequest: { /** * Resize Mode * @description Sets the resize mode: 0 to upscale by upscaling_resize amount, 1 to upscale up to upscaling_resize_h x upscaling_resize_w. * @default 0 * @enum {integer} */ resize_mode?: 0 | 1; /** * Show results * @description Should the backend return the generated image? * @default true */ show_extras_results?: boolean; /** * GFPGAN Visibility * @description Sets the visibility of GFPGAN, values should be between 0 and 1. * @default 0 */ gfpgan_visibility?: number; /** * CodeFormer Visibility * @description Sets the visibility of CodeFormer, values should be between 0 and 1. * @default 0 */ codeformer_visibility?: number; /** * CodeFormer Weight * @description Sets the weight of CodeFormer, values should be between 0 and 1. * @default 0 */ codeformer_weight?: number; /** * Upscaling Factor * @description By how much to upscale the image, only used when resize_mode=0. * @default 2 */ upscaling_resize?: number; /** * Target Width * @description Target width for the upscaler to hit. Only used when resize_mode=1. * @default 512 */ upscaling_resize_w?: number; /** * Target Height * @description Target height for the upscaler to hit. Only used when resize_mode=1. * @default 512 */ upscaling_resize_h?: number; /** * Crop to fit * @description Should the upscaler crop the image to fit in the chosen size? * @default true */ upscaling_crop?: boolean; /** * Main upscaler * @description The name of the main upscaler to use, it has to be one of this list: None , Lanczos , Nearest , ESRGAN_4x , LDSR , R-ESRGAN 4x+ , R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B , ScuNET GAN , ScuNET PSNR , SwinIR 4x * @default None */ upscaler_1?: string; /** * Secondary upscaler * @description The name of the secondary upscaler to use, it has to be one of this list: None , Lanczos , Nearest , ESRGAN_4x , LDSR , R-ESRGAN 4x+ , R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B , ScuNET GAN , ScuNET PSNR , SwinIR 4x * @default None */ upscaler_2?: string; /** * Secondary upscaler visibility * @description Sets the visibility of secondary upscaler, values should be between 0 and 1. * @default 0 */ extras_upscaler_2_visibility?: number; /** * Upscale first * @description Should the upscaler run before restoring faces? * @default false */ upscale_first?: boolean; /** * Images * @description List of images to work on. Must be Base64 strings */ imageList: components["schemas"]["FileData"][]; }; /** ExtrasBatchImagesResponse */ ExtrasBatchImagesResponse: { /** * HTML info * @description A series of HTML tags containing the process info. */ html_info: string; /** * Images * @description The generated images in base64 format. */ images: string[]; }; /** ExtrasSingleImageRequest */ ExtrasSingleImageRequest: { /** * Resize Mode * @description Sets the resize mode: 0 to upscale by upscaling_resize amount, 1 to upscale up to upscaling_resize_h x upscaling_resize_w. * @default 0 * @enum {integer} */ resize_mode?: 0 | 1; /** * Show results * @description Should the backend return the generated image? * @default true */ show_extras_results?: boolean; /** * GFPGAN Visibility * @description Sets the visibility of GFPGAN, values should be between 0 and 1. * @default 0 */ gfpgan_visibility?: number; /** * CodeFormer Visibility * @description Sets the visibility of CodeFormer, values should be between 0 and 1. * @default 0 */ codeformer_visibility?: number; /** * CodeFormer Weight * @description Sets the weight of CodeFormer, values should be between 0 and 1. * @default 0 */ codeformer_weight?: number; /** * Upscaling Factor * @description By how much to upscale the image, only used when resize_mode=0. * @default 2 */ upscaling_resize?: number; /** * Target Width * @description Target width for the upscaler to hit. Only used when resize_mode=1. * @default 512 */ upscaling_resize_w?: number; /** * Target Height * @description Target height for the upscaler to hit. Only used when resize_mode=1. * @default 512 */ upscaling_resize_h?: number; /** * Crop to fit * @description Should the upscaler crop the image to fit in the chosen size? * @default true */ upscaling_crop?: boolean; /** * Main upscaler * @description The name of the main upscaler to use, it has to be one of this list: None , Lanczos , Nearest , ESRGAN_4x , LDSR , R-ESRGAN 4x+ , R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B , ScuNET GAN , ScuNET PSNR , SwinIR 4x * @default None */ upscaler_1?: string; /** * Secondary upscaler * @description The name of the secondary upscaler to use, it has to be one of this list: None , Lanczos , Nearest , ESRGAN_4x , LDSR , R-ESRGAN 4x+ , R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B , ScuNET GAN , ScuNET PSNR , SwinIR 4x * @default None */ upscaler_2?: string; /** * Secondary upscaler visibility * @description Sets the visibility of secondary upscaler, values should be between 0 and 1. * @default 0 */ extras_upscaler_2_visibility?: number; /** * Upscale first * @description Should the upscaler run before restoring faces? * @default false */ upscale_first?: boolean; /** * Image * @description Image to work on, must be a Base64 string containing the image's data. * @default */ image?: string; }; /** ExtrasSingleImageResponse */ ExtrasSingleImageResponse: { /** * HTML info * @description A series of HTML tags containing the process info. */ html_info: string; /** * Image * @description The generated image in base64 format. */ image?: string; }; /** FaceRestorerItem */ FaceRestorerItem: { /** Name */ name: string; /** Path */ cmd_dir?: string; }; /** FileData */ FileData: { /** * File data * @description Base64 representation of the file */ data: string; /** File name */ name: string; }; /** Flags */ Flags: { /** * F * @description ==SUPPRESS== * @default false */ f?: boolean; /** * Update All Extensions * @description launch.py argument: download updates for all extensions when starting the program * @default false */ update_all_extensions?: boolean; /** * Skip Python Version Check * @description launch.py argument: do not check python version * @default false */ skip_python_version_check?: boolean; /** * Skip Torch Cuda Test * @description launch.py argument: do not check if CUDA is able to work properly * @default false */ skip_torch_cuda_test?: boolean; /** * Reinstall Xformers * @description launch.py argument: install the appropriate version of xformers even if you have some version already installed * @default false */ reinstall_xformers?: boolean; /** * Reinstall Torch * @description launch.py argument: install the appropriate version of torch even if you have some version already installed * @default false */ reinstall_torch?: boolean; /** * Update Check * @description launch.py argument: check for updates at startup * @default false */ update_check?: boolean; /** * Test Server * @description launch.py argument: configure server for testing * @default false */ test_server?: boolean; /** * Skip Prepare Environment * @description launch.py argument: skip all environment preparation * @default false */ skip_prepare_environment?: boolean; /** * Skip Install * @description launch.py argument: skip installation of packages * @default false */ skip_install?: boolean; /** * Do Not Download Clip * @description do not download CLIP model even if it's not included in the checkpoint * @default false */ do_not_download_clip?: boolean; /** * Data Dir * @description base path where all user data is stored * @default /home/lisq/.sd */ data_dir?: string; /** * Config * @description path to config which constructs model * @default /home/lisq/.sd/configs/v1-inference.yaml */ config?: string; /** * Ckpt * @description path to checkpoint of stable diffusion model; if specified, this checkpoint will be added to the list of checkpoints and loaded * @default /home/lisq/.sd/model.ckpt */ ckpt?: string; /** * Ckpt Dir * @description Path to directory with stable diffusion checkpoints */ ckpt_dir?: string; /** * Vae Dir * @description Path to directory with VAE files */ vae_dir?: string; /** * Gfpgan Dir * @description GFPGAN directory * @default ./GFPGAN */ gfpgan_dir?: string; /** * Gfpgan Model * @description GFPGAN model file name */ gfpgan_model?: string; /** * No Half * @description do not switch the model to 16-bit floats * @default false */ no_half?: boolean; /** * No Half Vae * @description do not switch the VAE model to 16-bit floats * @default false */ no_half_vae?: boolean; /** * No Progressbar Hiding * @description do not hide progressbar in gradio UI (we hide it because it slows down ML if you have hardware acceleration in browser) * @default false */ no_progressbar_hiding?: boolean; /** * Max Batch Count * @description maximum batch count value for the UI * @default 16 */ max_batch_count?: number; /** * Embeddings Dir * @description embeddings directory for textual inversion (default: embeddings) * @default /home/lisq/.sd/embeddings */ embeddings_dir?: string; /** * Textual Inversion Templates Dir * @description directory with textual inversion templates * @default /home/lisq/.sd/textual_inversion_templates */ textual_inversion_templates_dir?: string; /** * Hypernetwork Dir * @description hypernetwork directory * @default /home/lisq/.sd/models/hypernetworks */ hypernetwork_dir?: string; /** * Localizations Dir * @description localizations directory * @default /home/lisq/.sd/localizations */ localizations_dir?: string; /** * Allow Code * @description allow custom script execution from webui * @default false */ allow_code?: boolean; /** * Medvram * @description enable stable diffusion model optimizations for sacrificing a little speed for low VRM usage * @default false */ medvram?: boolean; /** * Lowvram * @description enable stable diffusion model optimizations for sacrificing a lot of speed for very low VRM usage * @default false */ lowvram?: boolean; /** * Lowram * @description load stable diffusion checkpoint weights to VRAM instead of RAM * @default false */ lowram?: boolean; /** * Always Batch Cond Uncond * @description disables cond/uncond batching that is enabled to save memory with --medvram or --lowvram * @default false */ always_batch_cond_uncond?: boolean; /** * Unload Gfpgan * @description does not do anything. * @default false */ unload_gfpgan?: boolean; /** * Precision * @description evaluate at this precision * @default autocast */ precision?: string; /** * Upcast Sampling * @description upcast sampling. No effect with --no-half. Usually produces similar results to --no-half with better performance while using less memory. * @default false */ upcast_sampling?: boolean; /** * Share * @description use share=True for gradio and make the UI accessible through their site * @default false */ share?: boolean; /** * Ngrok * @description ngrok authtoken, alternative to gradio --share */ ngrok?: string; /** * Ngrok Region * @description does not do anything. * @default */ ngrok_region?: string; /** * Ngrok Options * @description The options to pass to ngrok in JSON format, e.g.: '{"authtoken_from_env":true, "basic_auth":"user:password", "oauth_provider":"google", "oauth_allow_emails":"user@asdf.com"}' * @default {} */ ngrok_options?: Record; /** * Enable Insecure Extension Access * @description enable extensions tab regardless of other options * @default false */ enable_insecure_extension_access?: boolean; /** * Codeformer Models Path * @description Path to directory with codeformer model file(s). * @default /home/lisq/.sd/models/Codeformer */ codeformer_models_path?: string; /** * Gfpgan Models Path * @description Path to directory with GFPGAN model file(s). * @default /home/lisq/.sd/models/GFPGAN */ gfpgan_models_path?: string; /** * Esrgan Models Path * @description Path to directory with ESRGAN model file(s). * @default /home/lisq/.sd/models/ESRGAN */ esrgan_models_path?: string; /** * Bsrgan Models Path * @description Path to directory with BSRGAN model file(s). * @default /home/lisq/.sd/models/BSRGAN */ bsrgan_models_path?: string; /** * Realesrgan Models Path * @description Path to directory with RealESRGAN model file(s). * @default /home/lisq/.sd/models/RealESRGAN */ realesrgan_models_path?: string; /** * Clip Models Path * @description Path to directory with CLIP model file(s). */ clip_models_path?: string; /** * Xformers * @description enable xformers for cross attention layers * @default false */ xformers?: boolean; /** * Force Enable Xformers * @description enable xformers for cross attention layers regardless of whether the checking code thinks you can run it; do not make bug reports if this fails to work * @default false */ force_enable_xformers?: boolean; /** * Xformers Flash Attention * @description enable xformers with Flash Attention to improve reproducibility (supported for SD2.x or variant only) * @default false */ xformers_flash_attention?: boolean; /** * Deepdanbooru * @description does not do anything * @default false */ deepdanbooru?: boolean; /** * Opt Split Attention * @description prefer Doggettx's cross-attention layer optimization for automatic choice of optimization * @default false */ opt_split_attention?: boolean; /** * Opt Sub Quad Attention * @description prefer memory efficient sub-quadratic cross-attention layer optimization for automatic choice of optimization * @default false */ opt_sub_quad_attention?: boolean; /** * Sub Quad Q Chunk Size * @description query chunk size for the sub-quadratic cross-attention layer optimization to use * @default 1024 */ sub_quad_q_chunk_size?: number; /** * Sub Quad Kv Chunk Size * @description kv chunk size for the sub-quadratic cross-attention layer optimization to use */ sub_quad_kv_chunk_size?: string; /** * Sub Quad Chunk Threshold * @description the percentage of VRAM threshold for the sub-quadratic cross-attention layer optimization to use chunking */ sub_quad_chunk_threshold?: string; /** * Opt Split Attention Invokeai * @description prefer InvokeAI's cross-attention layer optimization for automatic choice of optimization * @default false */ opt_split_attention_invokeai?: boolean; /** * Opt Split Attention V1 * @description prefer older version of split attention optimization for automatic choice of optimization * @default false */ opt_split_attention_v1?: boolean; /** * Opt Sdp Attention * @description prefer scaled dot product cross-attention layer optimization for automatic choice of optimization; requires PyTorch 2.* * @default false */ opt_sdp_attention?: boolean; /** * Opt Sdp No Mem Attention * @description prefer scaled dot product cross-attention layer optimization without memory efficient attention for automatic choice of optimization, makes image generation deterministic; requires PyTorch 2.* * @default false */ opt_sdp_no_mem_attention?: boolean; /** * Disable Opt Split Attention * @description prefer no cross-attention layer optimization for automatic choice of optimization * @default false */ disable_opt_split_attention?: boolean; /** * Disable Nan Check * @description do not check if produced images/latent spaces have nans; useful for running without a checkpoint in CI * @default false */ disable_nan_check?: boolean; /** * Use Cpu * @description use CPU as torch device for specified modules * @default [] */ use_cpu?: unknown[]; /** * Listen * @description launch gradio with as server name, allowing to respond to network requests * @default false */ listen?: boolean; /** * Port * @description launch gradio with given server port, you need root/admin rights for ports < 1024, defaults to 7860 if available */ port?: string; /** * Show Negative Prompt * @description does not do anything * @default false */ show_negative_prompt?: boolean; /** * Ui Config File * @description filename to use for ui configuration * @default /home/lisq/.sd/ui-config.json */ ui_config_file?: string; /** * Hide Ui Dir Config * @description hide directory configuration from webui * @default false */ hide_ui_dir_config?: boolean; /** * Freeze Settings * @description disable editing settings * @default false */ freeze_settings?: boolean; /** * Ui Settings File * @description filename to use for ui settings * @default /home/lisq/.sd/config.json */ ui_settings_file?: string; /** * Gradio Debug * @description launch gradio with --debug option * @default false */ gradio_debug?: boolean; /** * Gradio Auth * @description set gradio authentication like "username:password"; or comma-delimit multiple like "u1:p1,u2:p2,u3:p3" */ gradio_auth?: string; /** * Gradio Auth Path * @description set gradio authentication file path ex. "/path/to/auth/file" same auth format as --gradio-auth */ gradio_auth_path?: string; /** * Gradio Img2Img Tool * @description does not do anything */ gradio_img2img_tool?: string; /** * Gradio Inpaint Tool * @description does not do anything */ gradio_inpaint_tool?: string; /** * Gradio Allowed Path * @description add path to gradio's allowed_paths, make it possible to serve files from it */ gradio_allowed_path?: string; /** * Opt Channelslast * @description change memory type for stable diffusion to channels last * @default false */ opt_channelslast?: boolean; /** * Styles File * @description filename to use for styles * @default /home/lisq/.sd/styles.csv */ styles_file?: string; /** * Autolaunch * @description open the webui URL in the system's default browser upon launch * @default false */ autolaunch?: boolean; /** * Theme * @description launches the UI with light or dark theme */ theme?: string; /** * Use Textbox Seed * @description use textbox for seeds in UI (no up/down, but possible to input long seeds) * @default false */ use_textbox_seed?: boolean; /** * Disable Console Progressbars * @description do not output progressbars to console * @default false */ disable_console_progressbars?: boolean; /** * Enable Console Prompts * @description print prompts to console when generating with txt2img and img2img * @default false */ enable_console_prompts?: boolean; /** * Vae Path * @description Checkpoint to use as VAE; setting this argument disables all settings related to VAE */ vae_path?: string; /** * Disable Safe Unpickle * @description disable checking pytorch models for malicious code * @default false */ disable_safe_unpickle?: boolean; /** * Api * @description use api=True to launch the API together with the webui (use --nowebui instead for only the API) * @default false */ api?: boolean; /** * Api Auth * @description Set authentication for API like "username:password"; or comma-delimit multiple like "u1:p1,u2:p2,u3:p3" */ api_auth?: string; /** * Api Log * @description use api-log=True to enable logging of all API requests * @default false */ api_log?: boolean; /** * Nowebui * @description use api=True to launch the API instead of the webui * @default false */ nowebui?: boolean; /** * Ui Debug Mode * @description Don't load model to quickly launch UI * @default false */ ui_debug_mode?: boolean; /** * Device Id * @description Select the default CUDA device to use (export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,etc might be needed before) */ device_id?: string; /** * Administrator * @description Administrator rights * @default false */ administrator?: boolean; /** * Cors Allow Origins * @description Allowed CORS origin(s) in the form of a comma-separated list (no spaces) */ cors_allow_origins?: string; /** * Cors Allow Origins Regex * @description Allowed CORS origin(s) in the form of a single regular expression */ cors_allow_origins_regex?: string; /** * Tls Keyfile * @description Partially enables TLS, requires --tls-certfile to fully function */ tls_keyfile?: string; /** * Tls Certfile * @description Partially enables TLS, requires --tls-keyfile to fully function */ tls_certfile?: string; /** * Disable Tls Verify * @description When passed, enables the use of self-signed certificates. */ disable_tls_verify?: string; /** * Server Name * @description Sets hostname of server */ server_name?: string; /** * Gradio Queue * @description does not do anything * @default true */ gradio_queue?: boolean; /** * No Gradio Queue * @description Disables gradio queue; causes the webpage to use http requests instead of websockets; was the defaul in earlier versions * @default false */ no_gradio_queue?: boolean; /** * Skip Version Check * @description Do not check versions of torch and xformers * @default false */ skip_version_check?: boolean; /** * No Hashing * @description disable sha256 hashing of checkpoints to help loading performance * @default false */ no_hashing?: boolean; /** * No Download Sd Model * @description don't download SD1.5 model even if no model is found in --ckpt-dir * @default false */ no_download_sd_model?: boolean; /** * Subpath * @description customize the subpath for gradio, use with reverse proxy */ subpath?: string; /** * Add Stop Route * @description add /_stop route to stop server * @default false */ add_stop_route?: boolean; /** * Api Server Stop * @description enable server stop/restart/kill via api * @default false */ api_server_stop?: boolean; /** * Timeout Keep Alive * @description set timeout_keep_alive for uvicorn * @default 30 */ timeout_keep_alive?: number; /** * Ldsr Models Path * @description Path to directory with LDSR model file(s). * @default /home/lisq/.sd/models/LDSR */ ldsr_models_path?: string; /** * Lora Dir * @description Path to directory with Lora networks. * @default /home/lisq/.sd/models/Lora */ lora_dir?: string; /** * Lyco Dir Backcompat * @description Path to directory with LyCORIS networks (for backawards compatibility; can also use --lyco-dir). * @default /home/lisq/.sd/models/LyCORIS */ lyco_dir_backcompat?: string; /** * Scunet Models Path * @description Path to directory with ScuNET model file(s). * @default /home/lisq/.sd/models/ScuNET */ scunet_models_path?: string; /** * Swinir Models Path * @description Path to directory with SwinIR model file(s). * @default /home/lisq/.sd/models/SwinIR */ swinir_models_path?: string; }; /** HTTPValidationError */ HTTPValidationError: { /** Detail */ detail?: components["schemas"]["ValidationError"][]; }; /** HypernetworkItem */ HypernetworkItem: { /** Name */ name: string; /** Path */ path?: string; }; /** ImageToImageResponse */ ImageToImageResponse: { /** * Image * @description The generated image in base64 format. */ images?: string[]; /** Parameters */ parameters: Record; /** Info */ info: string; }; /** InterrogateRequest */ InterrogateRequest: { /** * Image * @description Image to work on, must be a Base64 string containing the image's data. * @default */ image?: string; /** * Model * @description The interrogate model used. * @default clip */ model?: string; }; /** LatentUpscalerModeItem */ LatentUpscalerModeItem: { /** Name */ name: string; }; /** MemoryResponse */ MemoryResponse: { /** * RAM * @description System memory stats */ ram: Record; /** * CUDA * @description nVidia CUDA memory stats */ cuda: Record; }; /** Options */ Options: { /** * Samples Save * @description Always save all generated images * @default true */ samples_save?: boolean; /** * Samples Format * @description File format for images * @default png */ samples_format?: string; /** * Samples Filename Pattern * @description Images filename pattern * @default */ samples_filename_pattern?: unknown; /** * Save Images Add Number * @description Add number to filename when saving * @default true */ save_images_add_number?: boolean; /** * Grid Save * @description Always save all generated image grids * @default true */ grid_save?: boolean; /** * Grid Format * @description File format for grids * @default png */ grid_format?: string; /** * Grid Extended Filename * @description Add extended info (seed, prompt) to filename when saving grid * @default false */ grid_extended_filename?: unknown; /** * Grid Only If Multiple * @description Do not save grids consisting of one picture * @default true */ grid_only_if_multiple?: boolean; /** * Grid Prevent Empty Spots * @description Prevent empty spots in grid (when set to autodetect) * @default false */ grid_prevent_empty_spots?: unknown; /** * Grid Zip Filename Pattern * @description Archive filename pattern * @default */ grid_zip_filename_pattern?: unknown; /** * N Rows * @description Grid row count; use -1 for autodetect and 0 for it to be same as batch size * @default -1 */ n_rows?: number; /** * Font * @description Font for image grids that have text * @default */ font?: unknown; /** * Grid Text Active Color * @description Text color for image grids * @default #000000 */ grid_text_active_color?: string; /** * Grid Text Inactive Color * @description Inactive text color for image grids * @default #999999 */ grid_text_inactive_color?: string; /** * Grid Background Color * @description Background color for image grids * @default #ffffff */ grid_background_color?: string; /** * Enable Pnginfo * @description Save text information about generation parameters as chunks to png files * @default true */ enable_pnginfo?: boolean; /** * Save Txt * @description Create a text file next to every image with generation parameters. * @default false */ save_txt?: unknown; /** * Save Images Before Face Restoration * @description Save a copy of image before doing face restoration. * @default false */ save_images_before_face_restoration?: unknown; /** * Save Images Before Highres Fix * @description Save a copy of image before applying highres fix. * @default false */ save_images_before_highres_fix?: unknown; /** * Save Images Before Color Correction * @description Save a copy of image before applying color correction to img2img results * @default false */ save_images_before_color_correction?: unknown; /** * Save Mask * @description For inpainting, save a copy of the greyscale mask * @default false */ save_mask?: unknown; /** * Save Mask Composite * @description For inpainting, save a masked composite * @default false */ save_mask_composite?: unknown; /** * Jpeg Quality * @description Quality for saved jpeg images * @default 80 */ jpeg_quality?: number; /** * Webp Lossless * @description Use lossless compression for webp images * @default false */ webp_lossless?: unknown; /** * Export For 4Chan * @description Save copy of large images as JPG * @default true */ export_for_4chan?: boolean; /** * Img Downscale Threshold * @description File size limit for the above option, MB * @default 4 */ img_downscale_threshold?: number; /** * Target Side Length * @description Width/height limit for the above option, in pixels * @default 4000 */ target_side_length?: number; /** * Img Max Size Mp * @description Maximum image size * @default 200 */ img_max_size_mp?: number; /** * Use Original Name Batch * @description Use original name for output filename during batch process in extras tab * @default true */ use_original_name_batch?: boolean; /** * Use Upscaler Name As Suffix * @description Use upscaler name as filename suffix in the extras tab * @default false */ use_upscaler_name_as_suffix?: unknown; /** * Save Selected Only * @description When using 'Save' button, only save a single selected image * @default true */ save_selected_only?: boolean; /** * Save Init Img * @description Save init images when using img2img * @default false */ save_init_img?: unknown; /** * Temp Dir * @description Directory for temporary images; leave empty for default * @default */ temp_dir?: unknown; /** * Clean Temp Dir At Start * @description Cleanup non-default temporary directory when starting webui * @default false */ clean_temp_dir_at_start?: unknown; /** * Outdir Samples * @description Output directory for images; if empty, defaults to three directories below * @default */ outdir_samples?: unknown; /** * Outdir Txt2Img Samples * @description Output directory for txt2img images * @default outputs/txt2img-images */ outdir_txt2img_samples?: string; /** * Outdir Img2Img Samples * @description Output directory for img2img images * @default outputs/img2img-images */ outdir_img2img_samples?: string; /** * Outdir Extras Samples * @description Output directory for images from extras tab * @default outputs/extras-images */ outdir_extras_samples?: string; /** * Outdir Grids * @description Output directory for grids; if empty, defaults to two directories below * @default */ outdir_grids?: unknown; /** * Outdir Txt2Img Grids * @description Output directory for txt2img grids * @default outputs/txt2img-grids */ outdir_txt2img_grids?: string; /** * Outdir Img2Img Grids * @description Output directory for img2img grids * @default outputs/img2img-grids */ outdir_img2img_grids?: string; /** * Outdir Save * @description Directory for saving images using the Save button * @default log/images */ outdir_save?: string; /** * Outdir Init Images * @description Directory for saving init images when using img2img * @default outputs/init-images */ outdir_init_images?: string; /** * Save To Dirs * @description Save images to a subdirectory * @default true */ save_to_dirs?: boolean; /** * Grid Save To Dirs * @description Save grids to a subdirectory * @default true */ grid_save_to_dirs?: boolean; /** * Use Save To Dirs For Ui * @description When using "Save" button, save images to a subdirectory * @default false */ use_save_to_dirs_for_ui?: unknown; /** * Directories Filename Pattern * @description Directory name pattern * @default [date] */ directories_filename_pattern?: string; /** * Directories Max Prompt Words * @description Max prompt words for [prompt_words] pattern * @default 8 */ directories_max_prompt_words?: number; /** * Esrgan Tile * @description Tile size for ESRGAN upscalers. * @default 192 */ ESRGAN_tile?: number; /** * Esrgan Tile Overlap * @description Tile overlap for ESRGAN upscalers. * @default 8 */ ESRGAN_tile_overlap?: number; /** * Realesrgan Enabled Models * @description Select which Real-ESRGAN models to show in the web UI. * @default [ * "R-ESRGAN 4x+", * "R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B" * ] */ realesrgan_enabled_models?: unknown[]; /** * Upscaler For Img2Img * @description Upscaler for img2img */ upscaler_for_img2img?: unknown; /** * Face Restoration Model * @description Face restoration model * @default CodeFormer */ face_restoration_model?: string; /** * Code Former Weight * @description CodeFormer weight * @default 0.5 */ code_former_weight?: number; /** * Face Restoration Unload * @description Move face restoration model from VRAM into RAM after processing * @default false */ face_restoration_unload?: unknown; /** * Show Warnings * @description Show warnings in console. * @default false */ show_warnings?: unknown; /** * Memmon Poll Rate * @description VRAM usage polls per second during generation. * @default 8 */ memmon_poll_rate?: number; /** * Samples Log Stdout * @description Always print all generation info to standard output * @default false */ samples_log_stdout?: unknown; /** * Multiple Tqdm * @description Add a second progress bar to the console that shows progress for an entire job. * @default true */ multiple_tqdm?: boolean; /** * Print Hypernet Extra * @description Print extra hypernetwork information to console. * @default false */ print_hypernet_extra?: unknown; /** * List Hidden Files * @description Load models/files in hidden directories * @default true */ list_hidden_files?: boolean; /** * Disable Mmap Load Safetensors * @description Disable memmapping for loading .safetensors files. * @default false */ disable_mmap_load_safetensors?: unknown; /** * Unload Models When Training * @description Move VAE and CLIP to RAM when training if possible. Saves VRAM. * @default false */ unload_models_when_training?: unknown; /** * Pin Memory * @description Turn on pin_memory for DataLoader. Makes training slightly faster but can increase memory usage. * @default false */ pin_memory?: unknown; /** * Save Optimizer State * @description Saves Optimizer state as separate *.optim file. Training of embedding or HN can be resumed with the matching optim file. * @default false */ save_optimizer_state?: unknown; /** * Save Training Settings To Txt * @description Save textual inversion and hypernet settings to a text file whenever training starts. * @default true */ save_training_settings_to_txt?: boolean; /** * Dataset Filename Word Regex * @description Filename word regex * @default */ dataset_filename_word_regex?: unknown; /** * Dataset Filename Join String * @description Filename join string * @default */ dataset_filename_join_string?: string; /** * Training Image Repeats Per Epoch * @description Number of repeats for a single input image per epoch; used only for displaying epoch number * @default 1 */ training_image_repeats_per_epoch?: number; /** * Training Write Csv Every * @description Save an csv containing the loss to log directory every N steps, 0 to disable * @default 500 */ training_write_csv_every?: number; /** * Training Xattention Optimizations * @description Use cross attention optimizations while training * @default false */ training_xattention_optimizations?: unknown; /** * Training Enable Tensorboard * @description Enable tensorboard logging. * @default false */ training_enable_tensorboard?: unknown; /** * Training Tensorboard Save Images * @description Save generated images within tensorboard. * @default false */ training_tensorboard_save_images?: unknown; /** * Training Tensorboard Flush Every * @description How often, in seconds, to flush the pending tensorboard events and summaries to disk. * @default 120 */ training_tensorboard_flush_every?: number; /** * Sd Model Checkpoint * @description Stable Diffusion checkpoint */ sd_model_checkpoint?: unknown; /** * Sd Checkpoint Cache * @description Checkpoints to cache in RAM * @default 0 */ sd_checkpoint_cache?: unknown; /** * Sd Vae Checkpoint Cache * @description VAE Checkpoints to cache in RAM * @default 0 */ sd_vae_checkpoint_cache?: unknown; /** * Sd Vae * @description SD VAE * @default Automatic */ sd_vae?: string; /** * Sd Vae As Default * @description Ignore selected VAE for stable diffusion checkpoints that have their own .vae.pt next to them * @default true */ sd_vae_as_default?: boolean; /** * Sd Unet * @description SD Unet * @default Automatic */ sd_unet?: string; /** * Inpainting Mask Weight * @description Inpainting conditioning mask strength * @default 1 */ inpainting_mask_weight?: number; /** * Initial Noise Multiplier * @description Noise multiplier for img2img * @default 1 */ initial_noise_multiplier?: number; /** * Img2Img Color Correction * @description Apply color correction to img2img results to match original colors. * @default false */ img2img_color_correction?: unknown; /** * Img2Img Fix Steps * @description With img2img, do exactly the amount of steps the slider specifies. * @default false */ img2img_fix_steps?: unknown; /** * Img2Img Background Color * @description With img2img, fill image's transparent parts with this color. * @default #ffffff */ img2img_background_color?: string; /** * Enable Quantization * @description Enable quantization in K samplers for sharper and cleaner results. This may change existing seeds. Requires restart to apply. * @default false */ enable_quantization?: unknown; /** * Enable Emphasis * @description Enable emphasis * @default true */ enable_emphasis?: boolean; /** * Enable Batch Seeds * @description Make K-diffusion samplers produce same images in a batch as when making a single image * @default true */ enable_batch_seeds?: boolean; /** * Comma Padding Backtrack * @description Prompt word wrap length limit * @default 20 */ comma_padding_backtrack?: number; /** * Clip Stop At Last Layers * @description Clip skip * @default 1 */ CLIP_stop_at_last_layers?: number; /** * Upcast Attn * @description Upcast cross attention layer to float32 * @default false */ upcast_attn?: unknown; /** * Auto Vae Precision * @description Automaticlly revert VAE to 32-bit floats * @default true */ auto_vae_precision?: boolean; /** * Randn Source * @description Random number generator source. * @default GPU */ randn_source?: string; /** * Sdxl Crop Top * @description crop top coordinate * @default 0 */ sdxl_crop_top?: unknown; /** * Sdxl Crop Left * @description crop left coordinate * @default 0 */ sdxl_crop_left?: unknown; /** * Sdxl Refiner Low Aesthetic Score * @description SDXL low aesthetic score * @default 2.5 */ sdxl_refiner_low_aesthetic_score?: number; /** * Sdxl Refiner High Aesthetic Score * @description SDXL high aesthetic score * @default 6 */ sdxl_refiner_high_aesthetic_score?: number; /** * Cross Attention Optimization * @description Cross attention optimization * @default Automatic */ cross_attention_optimization?: string; /** * S Min Uncond * @description Negative Guidance minimum sigma * @default 0 */ s_min_uncond?: unknown; /** * Token Merging Ratio * @description Token merging ratio * @default 0 */ token_merging_ratio?: unknown; /** * Token Merging Ratio Img2Img * @description Token merging ratio for img2img * @default 0 */ token_merging_ratio_img2img?: unknown; /** * Token Merging Ratio Hr * @description Token merging ratio for high-res pass * @default 0 */ token_merging_ratio_hr?: unknown; /** * Pad Cond Uncond * @description Pad prompt/negative prompt to be same length * @default false */ pad_cond_uncond?: unknown; /** * Experimental Persistent Cond Cache * @description persistent cond cache * @default false */ experimental_persistent_cond_cache?: unknown; /** * Use Old Emphasis Implementation * @description Use old emphasis implementation. Can be useful to reproduce old seeds. * @default false */ use_old_emphasis_implementation?: unknown; /** * Use Old Karras Scheduler Sigmas * @description Use old karras scheduler sigmas (0.1 to 10). * @default false */ use_old_karras_scheduler_sigmas?: unknown; /** * No Dpmpp Sde Batch Determinism * @description Do not make DPM++ SDE deterministic across different batch sizes. * @default false */ no_dpmpp_sde_batch_determinism?: unknown; /** * Use Old Hires Fix Width Height * @description For hires fix, use width/height sliders to set final resolution rather than first pass (disables Upscale by, Resize width/height to). * @default false */ use_old_hires_fix_width_height?: unknown; /** * Dont Fix Second Order Samplers Schedule * @description Do not fix prompt schedule for second order samplers. * @default false */ dont_fix_second_order_samplers_schedule?: unknown; /** * Hires Fix Use Firstpass Conds * @description For hires fix, calculate conds of second pass using extra networks of first pass. * @default false */ hires_fix_use_firstpass_conds?: unknown; /** * Interrogate Keep Models In Memory * @description Keep models in VRAM * @default false */ interrogate_keep_models_in_memory?: unknown; /** * Interrogate Return Ranks * @description Include ranks of model tags matches in results. * @default false */ interrogate_return_ranks?: unknown; /** * Interrogate Clip Num Beams * @description BLIP: num_beams * @default 1 */ interrogate_clip_num_beams?: number; /** * Interrogate Clip Min Length * @description BLIP: minimum description length * @default 24 */ interrogate_clip_min_length?: number; /** * Interrogate Clip Max Length * @description BLIP: maximum description length * @default 48 */ interrogate_clip_max_length?: number; /** * Interrogate Clip Dict Limit * @description CLIP: maximum number of lines in text file * @default 1500 */ interrogate_clip_dict_limit?: number; /** * Interrogate Clip Skip Categories * @description CLIP: skip inquire categories * @default [] */ interrogate_clip_skip_categories?: unknown; /** * Interrogate Deepbooru Score Threshold * @description deepbooru: score threshold * @default 0.5 */ interrogate_deepbooru_score_threshold?: number; /** * Deepbooru Sort Alpha * @description deepbooru: sort tags alphabetically * @default true */ deepbooru_sort_alpha?: boolean; /** * Deepbooru Use Spaces * @description deepbooru: use spaces in tags * @default true */ deepbooru_use_spaces?: boolean; /** * Deepbooru Escape * @description deepbooru: escape (\) brackets * @default true */ deepbooru_escape?: boolean; /** * Deepbooru Filter Tags * @description deepbooru: filter out those tags * @default */ deepbooru_filter_tags?: unknown; /** * Extra Networks Show Hidden Directories * @description Show hidden directories * @default true */ extra_networks_show_hidden_directories?: boolean; /** * Extra Networks Hidden Models * @description Show cards for models in hidden directories * @default When searched */ extra_networks_hidden_models?: string; /** * Extra Networks Default Multiplier * @description Default multiplier for extra networks * @default 1 */ extra_networks_default_multiplier?: number; /** * Extra Networks Card Width * @description Card width for Extra Networks * @default 0 */ extra_networks_card_width?: unknown; /** * Extra Networks Card Height * @description Card height for Extra Networks * @default 0 */ extra_networks_card_height?: unknown; /** * Extra Networks Card Text Scale * @description Card text scale * @default 1 */ extra_networks_card_text_scale?: number; /** * Extra Networks Card Show Desc * @description Show description on card * @default true */ extra_networks_card_show_desc?: boolean; /** * Extra Networks Add Text Separator * @description Extra networks separator * @default */ extra_networks_add_text_separator?: string; /** * Ui Extra Networks Tab Reorder * @description Extra networks tab order * @default */ ui_extra_networks_tab_reorder?: unknown; /** * Textual Inversion Print At Load * @description Print a list of Textual Inversion embeddings when loading model * @default false */ textual_inversion_print_at_load?: unknown; /** * Textual Inversion Add Hashes To Infotext * @description Add Textual Inversion hashes to infotext * @default true */ textual_inversion_add_hashes_to_infotext?: boolean; /** * Sd Hypernetwork * @description Add hypernetwork to prompt * @default None */ sd_hypernetwork?: string; /** * Localization * @description Localization * @default None */ localization?: string; /** * Gradio Theme * @description Gradio theme * @default Default */ gradio_theme?: string; /** * Img2Img Editor Height * @description img2img: height of image editor * @default 720 */ img2img_editor_height?: number; /** * Return Grid * @description Show grid in results for web * @default true */ return_grid?: boolean; /** * Return Mask * @description For inpainting, include the greyscale mask in results for web * @default false */ return_mask?: unknown; /** * Return Mask Composite * @description For inpainting, include masked composite in results for web * @default false */ return_mask_composite?: unknown; /** * Do Not Show Images * @description Do not show any images in results for web * @default false */ do_not_show_images?: unknown; /** * Send Seed * @description Send seed when sending prompt or image to other interface * @default true */ send_seed?: boolean; /** * Send Size * @description Send size when sending prompt or image to another interface * @default true */ send_size?: boolean; /** * Js Modal Lightbox * @description Enable full page image viewer * @default true */ js_modal_lightbox?: boolean; /** * Js Modal Lightbox Initially Zoomed * @description Show images zoomed in by default in full page image viewer * @default true */ js_modal_lightbox_initially_zoomed?: boolean; /** * Js Modal Lightbox Gamepad * @description Navigate image viewer with gamepad * @default false */ js_modal_lightbox_gamepad?: unknown; /** * Js Modal Lightbox Gamepad Repeat * @description Gamepad repeat period, in milliseconds * @default 250 */ js_modal_lightbox_gamepad_repeat?: number; /** * Show Progress In Title * @description Show generation progress in window title. * @default true */ show_progress_in_title?: boolean; /** * Samplers In Dropdown * @description Use dropdown for sampler selection instead of radio group * @default true */ samplers_in_dropdown?: boolean; /** * Dimensions And Batch Together * @description Show Width/Height and Batch sliders in same row * @default true */ dimensions_and_batch_together?: boolean; /** * Keyedit Precision Attention * @description Ctrl+up/down precision when editing (attention:1.1) * @default 0.1 */ keyedit_precision_attention?: number; /** * Keyedit Precision Extra * @description Ctrl+up/down precision when editing * @default 0.05 */ keyedit_precision_extra?: number; /** * Keyedit Delimiters * @description Ctrl+up/down word delimiters * @default .,\/!?%^*;:{}=`~() */ keyedit_delimiters?: string; /** * Keyedit Move * @description Alt+left/right moves prompt elements * @default true */ keyedit_move?: boolean; /** * Quicksettings List * @description Quicksettings list * @default [ * "sd_model_checkpoint" * ] */ quicksettings_list?: unknown[]; /** * Ui Tab Order * @description UI tab order * @default [] */ ui_tab_order?: unknown; /** * Hidden Tabs * @description Hidden UI tabs * @default [] */ hidden_tabs?: unknown; /** * Ui Reorder List * @description txt2img/img2img UI item order * @default [] */ ui_reorder_list?: unknown; /** * Hires Fix Show Sampler * @description Hires fix: show hires sampler selection * @default false */ hires_fix_show_sampler?: unknown; /** * Hires Fix Show Prompts * @description Hires fix: show hires prompt and negative prompt * @default false */ hires_fix_show_prompts?: unknown; /** * Disable Token Counters * @description Disable prompt token counters * @default false */ disable_token_counters?: unknown; /** * Add Model Hash To Info * @description Add model hash to generation information * @default true */ add_model_hash_to_info?: boolean; /** * Add Model Name To Info * @description Add model name to generation information * @default true */ add_model_name_to_info?: boolean; /** * Add User Name To Info * @description Add user name to generation information when authenticated * @default false */ add_user_name_to_info?: unknown; /** * Add Version To Infotext * @description Add program version to generation information * @default true */ add_version_to_infotext?: boolean; /** * Disable Weights Auto Swap * @description Disregard checkpoint information from pasted infotext * @default true */ disable_weights_auto_swap?: boolean; /** * Infotext Styles * @description Infer styles from prompts of pasted infotext * @default Apply if any */ infotext_styles?: string; /** * Show Progressbar * @description Show progressbar * @default true */ show_progressbar?: boolean; /** * Live Previews Enable * @description Show live previews of the created image * @default true */ live_previews_enable?: boolean; /** * Live Previews Image Format * @description Live preview file format * @default png */ live_previews_image_format?: string; /** * Show Progress Grid * @description Show previews of all images generated in a batch as a grid * @default true */ show_progress_grid?: boolean; /** * Show Progress Every N Steps * @description Live preview display period * @default 10 */ show_progress_every_n_steps?: number; /** * Show Progress Type * @description Live preview method * @default Approx NN */ show_progress_type?: string; /** * Live Preview Content * @description Live preview subject * @default Prompt */ live_preview_content?: string; /** * Live Preview Refresh Period * @description Progressbar and preview update period * @default 1000 */ live_preview_refresh_period?: number; /** * Hide Samplers * @description Hide samplers in user interface * @default [] */ hide_samplers?: unknown; /** * Eta Ddim * @description Eta for DDIM * @default 0 */ eta_ddim?: unknown; /** * Eta Ancestral * @description Eta for ancestral samplers * @default 1 */ eta_ancestral?: number; /** * Ddim Discretize * @description img2img DDIM discretize * @default uniform */ ddim_discretize?: string; /** * S Churn * @description sigma churn * @default 0 */ s_churn?: unknown; /** * S Tmin * @description sigma tmin * @default 0 */ s_tmin?: unknown; /** * S Noise * @description sigma noise * @default 1 */ s_noise?: number; /** * K Sched Type * @description scheduler type * @default Automatic */ k_sched_type?: string; /** * Sigma Min * @description sigma min * @default 0 */ sigma_min?: unknown; /** * Sigma Max * @description sigma max * @default 0 */ sigma_max?: unknown; /** * Rho * @description rho * @default 0 */ rho?: unknown; /** * Eta Noise Seed Delta * @description Eta noise seed delta * @default 0 */ eta_noise_seed_delta?: unknown; /** * Always Discard Next To Last Sigma * @description Always discard next-to-last sigma * @default false */ always_discard_next_to_last_sigma?: unknown; /** * Uni Pc Variant * @description UniPC variant * @default bh1 */ uni_pc_variant?: string; /** * Uni Pc Skip Type * @description UniPC skip type * @default time_uniform */ uni_pc_skip_type?: string; /** * Uni Pc Order * @description UniPC order * @default 3 */ uni_pc_order?: number; /** * Uni Pc Lower Order Final * @description UniPC lower order final * @default true */ uni_pc_lower_order_final?: boolean; /** * Postprocessing Enable In Main Ui * @description Enable postprocessing operations in txt2img and img2img tabs * @default [] */ postprocessing_enable_in_main_ui?: unknown; /** * Postprocessing Operation Order * @description Postprocessing operation order * @default [] */ postprocessing_operation_order?: unknown; /** * Upscaling Max Images In Cache * @description Maximum number of images in upscaling cache * @default 5 */ upscaling_max_images_in_cache?: number; /** * Disabled Extensions * @description Disable these extensions * @default [] */ disabled_extensions?: unknown; /** * Disable All Extensions * @description Disable all extensions (preserves the list of disabled extensions) * @default none */ disable_all_extensions?: string; /** * Restore Config State File * @description Config state file to restore from, under 'config-states/' folder * @default */ restore_config_state_file?: unknown; /** * Sd Checkpoint Hash * @description SHA256 hash of the current checkpoint * @default */ sd_checkpoint_hash?: unknown; /** * Sd Lora * @description Add network to prompt * @default None */ sd_lora?: string; /** * Lora Preferred Name * @description When adding to prompt, refer to Lora by * @default Alias from file */ lora_preferred_name?: string; /** * Lora Add Hashes To Infotext * @description Add Lora hashes to infotext * @default true */ lora_add_hashes_to_infotext?: boolean; /** * Lora Show All * @description Always show all networks on the Lora page * @default false */ lora_show_all?: unknown; /** * Lora Hide Unknown For Versions * @description Hide networks of unknown versions for model versions * @default [] */ lora_hide_unknown_for_versions?: unknown; /** * Lora Functional * @description Lora/Networks: use old method that takes longer when you have multiple Loras active and produces same results as kohya-ss/sd-webui-additional-networks extension * @default false */ lora_functional?: unknown; /** * Canvas Hotkey Zoom * @description Zoom canvas * @default Alt */ canvas_hotkey_zoom?: string; /** * Canvas Hotkey Adjust * @description Adjust brush size * @default Ctrl */ canvas_hotkey_adjust?: string; /** * Canvas Hotkey Move * @description Moving the canvas * @default F */ canvas_hotkey_move?: string; /** * Canvas Hotkey Fullscreen * @description Fullscreen Mode, maximizes the picture so that it fits into the screen and stretches it to its full width * @default S */ canvas_hotkey_fullscreen?: string; /** * Canvas Hotkey Reset * @description Reset zoom and canvas positon * @default R */ canvas_hotkey_reset?: string; /** * Canvas Hotkey Overlap * @description Toggle overlap * @default O */ canvas_hotkey_overlap?: string; /** * Canvas Show Tooltip * @description Enable tooltip on the canvas * @default true */ canvas_show_tooltip?: boolean; /** * Canvas Blur Prompt * @description Take the focus off the prompt when working with a canvas * @default false */ canvas_blur_prompt?: unknown; /** * Canvas Disabled Functions * @description Disable function that you don't use * @default [ * "Overlap" * ] */ canvas_disabled_functions?: unknown[]; /** * Extra Options * @description Options in main UI * @default [] */ extra_options?: unknown; /** * Extra Options Accordion * @description Place options in main UI into an accordion * @default false */ extra_options_accordion?: unknown; }; /** PNGInfoRequest */ PNGInfoRequest: { /** * Image * @description The base64 encoded PNG image */ image: string; }; /** PNGInfoResponse */ PNGInfoResponse: { /** * Image info * @description A string with the parameters used to generate the image */ info: string; /** * Items * @description An object containing all the info the image had */ items: Record; }; /** PreprocessResponse */ PreprocessResponse: { /** * Preprocess info * @description Response string from preprocessing task. */ info: string; }; /** ProgressResponse */ ProgressResponse: { /** * Progress * @description The progress with a range of 0 to 1 */ progress: number; /** ETA in secs */ eta_relative: number; /** * State * @description The current state snapshot */ state: Record; /** * Current image * @description The current image in base64 format. opts.show_progress_every_n_steps is required for this to work. */ current_image?: string; /** * Info text * @description Info text used by WebUI. */ textinfo?: string; }; /** PromptStyleItem */ PromptStyleItem: { /** Name */ name: string; /** Prompt */ prompt?: string; /** Negative Prompt */ negative_prompt?: string; }; /** RealesrganItem */ RealesrganItem: { /** Name */ name: string; /** Path */ path?: string; /** Scale */ scale?: number; }; /** SDModelItem */ SDModelItem: { /** Title */ title: string; /** Model Name */ model_name: string; /** Short hash */ hash?: string; /** sha256 hash */ sha256?: string; /** Filename */ filename: string; /** Config file */ config?: string; }; /** SDVaeItem */ SDVaeItem: { /** Model Name */ model_name: string; /** Filename */ filename: string; }; /** SamplerItem */ SamplerItem: { /** Name */ name: string; /** Aliases */ aliases: string[]; /** Options */ options: { [key: string]: string; }; }; /** ScriptArg */ ScriptArg: { /** * Label * @description Name of the argument in UI */ label?: string; /** * Value * @description Default value of the argument */ value?: unknown; /** * Minimum * @description Minimum allowed value for the argumentin UI */ minimum?: unknown; /** * Minimum * @description Maximum allowed value for the argumentin UI */ maximum?: unknown; /** * Minimum * @description Step for changing value of the argumentin UI */ step?: unknown; /** * Choices * @description Possible values for the argument */ choices?: string[]; }; /** ScriptInfo */ ScriptInfo: { /** * Name * @description Script name */ name?: string; /** * IsAlwayson * @description Flag specifying whether this script is an alwayson script */ is_alwayson?: boolean; /** * IsImg2img * @description Flag specifying whether this script is an img2img script */ is_img2img?: boolean; /** * Arguments * @description List of script's arguments */ args: components["schemas"]["ScriptArg"][]; }; /** ScriptsList */ ScriptsList: { /** * Txt2img * @description Titles of scripts (txt2img) */ txt2img?: unknown[]; /** * Img2img * @description Titles of scripts (img2img) */ img2img?: unknown[]; }; /** StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img */ StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img: { /** Init Images */ init_images?: unknown[]; /** * Resize Mode * @default 0 */ resize_mode?: number; /** * Denoising Strength * @default 0.75 */ denoising_strength?: number; /** Image Cfg Scale */ image_cfg_scale?: number; /** Mask */ mask?: string; /** Mask Blur */ mask_blur?: number; /** * Mask Blur X * @default 4 */ mask_blur_x?: number; /** * Mask Blur Y * @default 4 */ mask_blur_y?: number; /** * Inpainting Fill * @default 0 */ inpainting_fill?: number; /** * Inpaint Full Res * @default true */ inpaint_full_res?: boolean; /** * Inpaint Full Res Padding * @default 0 */ inpaint_full_res_padding?: number; /** * Inpainting Mask Invert * @default 0 */ inpainting_mask_invert?: number; /** Initial Noise Multiplier */ initial_noise_multiplier?: number; /** * Prompt * @default */ prompt?: string; /** Styles */ styles?: string[]; /** * Seed * @default -1 */ seed?: number; /** * Subseed * @default -1 */ subseed?: number; /** * Subseed Strength * @default 0 */ subseed_strength?: number; /** * Seed Resize From H * @default -1 */ seed_resize_from_h?: number; /** * Seed Resize From W * @default -1 */ seed_resize_from_w?: number; /** Sampler Name */ sampler_name?: string; /** * Batch Size * @default 1 */ batch_size?: number; /** * N Iter * @default 1 */ n_iter?: number; /** * Steps * @default 50 */ steps?: number; /** * Cfg Scale * @default 7 */ cfg_scale?: number; /** * Width * @default 512 */ width?: number; /** * Height * @default 512 */ height?: number; /** * Restore Faces * @default false */ restore_faces?: boolean; /** * Tiling * @default false */ tiling?: boolean; /** * Do Not Save Samples * @default false */ do_not_save_samples?: boolean; /** * Do Not Save Grid * @default false */ do_not_save_grid?: boolean; /** Negative Prompt */ negative_prompt?: string; /** Eta */ eta?: number; /** * S Min Uncond * @default 0 */ s_min_uncond?: number; /** * S Churn * @default 0 */ s_churn?: number; /** S Tmax */ s_tmax?: number; /** * S Tmin * @default 0 */ s_tmin?: number; /** * S Noise * @default 1 */ s_noise?: number; /** Override Settings */ override_settings?: Record; /** * Override Settings Restore Afterwards * @default true */ override_settings_restore_afterwards?: boolean; /** * Script Args * @default [] */ script_args?: unknown[]; /** * Sampler Index * @default Euler */ sampler_index?: string; /** * Include Init Images * @default false */ include_init_images?: boolean; /** Script Name */ script_name?: string; /** * Send Images * @default true */ send_images?: boolean; /** * Save Images * @default false */ save_images?: boolean; /** * Alwayson Scripts * @default {} */ alwayson_scripts?: Record; }; /** StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img */ StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img: { /** * Enable Hr * @default false */ enable_hr?: boolean; /** * Denoising Strength * @default 0 */ denoising_strength?: number; /** * Firstphase Width * @default 0 */ firstphase_width?: number; /** * Firstphase Height * @default 0 */ firstphase_height?: number; /** * Hr Scale * @default 2 */ hr_scale?: number; /** Hr Upscaler */ hr_upscaler?: string; /** * Hr Second Pass Steps * @default 0 */ hr_second_pass_steps?: number; /** * Hr Resize X * @default 0 */ hr_resize_x?: number; /** * Hr Resize Y * @default 0 */ hr_resize_y?: number; /** Hr Sampler Name */ hr_sampler_name?: string; /** * Hr Prompt * @default */ hr_prompt?: string; /** * Hr Negative Prompt * @default */ hr_negative_prompt?: string; /** * Prompt * @default */ prompt?: string; /** Styles */ styles?: string[]; /** * Seed * @default -1 */ seed?: number; /** * Subseed * @default -1 */ subseed?: number; /** * Subseed Strength * @default 0 */ subseed_strength?: number; /** * Seed Resize From H * @default -1 */ seed_resize_from_h?: number; /** * Seed Resize From W * @default -1 */ seed_resize_from_w?: number; /** Sampler Name */ sampler_name?: string; /** * Batch Size * @default 1 */ batch_size?: number; /** * N Iter * @default 1 */ n_iter?: number; /** * Steps * @default 50 */ steps?: number; /** * Cfg Scale * @default 7 */ cfg_scale?: number; /** * Width * @default 512 */ width?: number; /** * Height * @default 512 */ height?: number; /** * Restore Faces * @default false */ restore_faces?: boolean; /** * Tiling * @default false */ tiling?: boolean; /** * Do Not Save Samples * @default false */ do_not_save_samples?: boolean; /** * Do Not Save Grid * @default false */ do_not_save_grid?: boolean; /** Negative Prompt */ negative_prompt?: string; /** Eta */ eta?: number; /** * S Min Uncond * @default 0 */ s_min_uncond?: number; /** * S Churn * @default 0 */ s_churn?: number; /** S Tmax */ s_tmax?: number; /** * S Tmin * @default 0 */ s_tmin?: number; /** * S Noise * @default 1 */ s_noise?: number; /** Override Settings */ override_settings?: Record; /** * Override Settings Restore Afterwards * @default true */ override_settings_restore_afterwards?: boolean; /** * Script Args * @default [] */ script_args?: unknown[]; /** * Sampler Index * @default Euler */ sampler_index?: string; /** Script Name */ script_name?: string; /** * Send Images * @default true */ send_images?: boolean; /** * Save Images * @default false */ save_images?: boolean; /** * Alwayson Scripts * @default {} */ alwayson_scripts?: Record; }; /** TextToImageResponse */ TextToImageResponse: { /** * Image * @description The generated image in base64 format. */ images?: string[]; /** Parameters */ parameters: Record; /** Info */ info: string; }; /** TrainResponse */ TrainResponse: { /** * Train info * @description Response string from train embedding or hypernetwork task. */ info: string; }; /** UpscalerItem */ UpscalerItem: { /** Name */ name: string; /** Model Name */ model_name?: string; /** Path */ model_path?: string; /** URL */ model_url?: string; /** Scale */ scale?: number; }; /** ValidationError */ ValidationError: { /** Location */ loc: (string | number)[]; /** Message */ msg: string; /** Error Type */ type: string; }; }; responses: never; parameters: never; requestBodies: never; headers: never; pathItems: never; } export type $defs = Record; export type external = Record; export interface operations { /** Text2Imgapi */ text2imgapi_sdapi_v1_txt2img_post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img"]; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["TextToImageResponse"]; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Img2Imgapi */ img2imgapi_sdapi_v1_img2img_post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img"]; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["ImageToImageResponse"]; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Extras Single Image Api */ extras_single_image_api_sdapi_v1_extra_single_image_post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["ExtrasSingleImageRequest"]; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["ExtrasSingleImageResponse"]; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Extras Batch Images Api */ extras_batch_images_api_sdapi_v1_extra_batch_images_post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["ExtrasBatchImagesRequest"]; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["ExtrasBatchImagesResponse"]; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Pnginfoapi */ pnginfoapi_sdapi_v1_png_info_post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["PNGInfoRequest"]; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["PNGInfoResponse"]; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Progressapi */ progressapi_sdapi_v1_progress_get: { parameters: { query?: { skip_current_image?: boolean; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["ProgressResponse"]; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Interrogateapi */ interrogateapi_sdapi_v1_interrogate_post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["InterrogateRequest"]; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Interruptapi */ interruptapi_sdapi_v1_interrupt_post: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; }; }; /** Skip */ skip_sdapi_v1_skip_post: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; }; }; /** Get Config */ get_config_sdapi_v1_options_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["Options"]; }; }; }; }; /** Set Config */ set_config_sdapi_v1_options_post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": Record; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Cmd Flags */ get_cmd_flags_sdapi_v1_cmd_flags_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["Flags"]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Samplers */ get_samplers_sdapi_v1_samplers_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["SamplerItem"][]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Upscalers */ get_upscalers_sdapi_v1_upscalers_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["UpscalerItem"][]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Latent Upscale Modes */ get_latent_upscale_modes_sdapi_v1_latent_upscale_modes_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["LatentUpscalerModeItem"][]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Sd Models */ get_sd_models_sdapi_v1_sd_models_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["SDModelItem"][]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Sd Vaes */ get_sd_vaes_sdapi_v1_sd_vae_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["SDVaeItem"][]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Hypernetworks */ get_hypernetworks_sdapi_v1_hypernetworks_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HypernetworkItem"][]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Face Restorers */ get_face_restorers_sdapi_v1_face_restorers_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["FaceRestorerItem"][]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Realesrgan Models */ get_realesrgan_models_sdapi_v1_realesrgan_models_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["RealesrganItem"][]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Prompt Styles */ get_prompt_styles_sdapi_v1_prompt_styles_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["PromptStyleItem"][]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Embeddings */ get_embeddings_sdapi_v1_embeddings_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["EmbeddingsResponse"]; }; }; }; }; /** Refresh Checkpoints */ refresh_checkpoints_sdapi_v1_refresh_checkpoints_post: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; }; }; /** Create Embedding */ create_embedding_sdapi_v1_create_embedding_post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": Record; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["CreateResponse"]; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Create Hypernetwork */ create_hypernetwork_sdapi_v1_create_hypernetwork_post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": Record; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["CreateResponse"]; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Preprocess */ preprocess_sdapi_v1_preprocess_post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": Record; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["PreprocessResponse"]; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Train Embedding */ train_embedding_sdapi_v1_train_embedding_post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": Record; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["TrainResponse"]; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Train Hypernetwork */ train_hypernetwork_sdapi_v1_train_hypernetwork_post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": Record; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["TrainResponse"]; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Memory */ get_memory_sdapi_v1_memory_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["MemoryResponse"]; }; }; }; }; /** Unloadapi */ unloadapi_sdapi_v1_unload_checkpoint_post: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; }; }; /** Reloadapi */ reloadapi_sdapi_v1_reload_checkpoint_post: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; }; }; /** Get Scripts List */ get_scripts_list_sdapi_v1_scripts_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["ScriptsList"]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Script Info */ get_script_info_sdapi_v1_script_info_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["ScriptInfo"][]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Lora Info */ get_lora_info_tacapi_v1_lora_info__lora_name__get: { parameters: { path: { lora_name: unknown; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Lyco Info */ get_lyco_info_tacapi_v1_lyco_info__lyco_name__get: { parameters: { path: { lyco_name: unknown; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Thumb Preview */ get_thumb_preview_tacapi_v1_thumb_preview__filename__get: { parameters: { query: { type: unknown; }; path: { filename: unknown; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Thumb Preview Blob */ get_thumb_preview_blob_tacapi_v1_thumb_preview_blob__filename__get: { parameters: { query: { type: unknown; }; path: { filename: unknown; }; }; responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; /** @description Validation Error */ 422: { content: { "application/json": components["schemas"]["HTTPValidationError"]; }; }; }; }; /** Get Loras */ get_loras_sdapi_v1_loras_get: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; }; }; /** Refresh Loras */ refresh_loras_sdapi_v1_refresh_loras_post: { responses: { /** @description Successful Response */ 200: { content: { "application/json": unknown; }; }; }; }; }