import { addDays } from "date-fns"; import { JsonSchema, jsonType } from "t_rest/server"; import { decodeTime } from "ulid"; import { getDailyStats } from "./dailyStatsStore.ts"; import { generationStore } from "./generationStore.ts"; export const globalStatsSchema = { type: "object", properties: { userIds: { type: "array", items: { type: "number" } }, imageCount: { type: "number" }, pixelCount: { type: "number" }, timestamp: { type: "number" }, }, required: ["userIds", "imageCount", "pixelCount", "timestamp"], } as const satisfies JsonSchema; export type GlobalStats = jsonType; export const liveGlobalStats: GlobalStats = await getGlobalStats(); export async function getGlobalStats(): Promise { // find the year/month/day of the first generation const startDate = await generationStore.getAll({}, { limit: 1 }) .then((generations) => generations[0]?.id) .then((generationId) => generationId ? new Date(decodeTime(generationId)) : new Date()); // iterate to today and sum up stats const userIdSet = new Set(); let imageCount = 0; let pixelCount = 0; const tomorrow = addDays(new Date(), 1); for ( let date = startDate; date < tomorrow; date = addDays(date, 1) ) { const dailyStats = await getDailyStats( date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth() + 1, date.getUTCDate(), ); for (const userId of dailyStats.userIds) userIdSet.add(userId); imageCount += dailyStats.imageCount; pixelCount += dailyStats.pixelCount; } return { userIds: [...userIdSet], imageCount, pixelCount, timestamp:, }; }