# Eris the Bot Telegram bot for generating images from text. ## Requirements - [Deno](https://deno.land/) - [Stable Diffusion WebUI](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/) ## Options You can put these in `.env` file or pass them as environment variables. - `TG_BOT_TOKEN` - Telegram bot token. Get yours from [@BotFather](https://t.me/BotFather). Required. - `SD_API_URL` - URL to Stable Diffusion API. Only used on first run. Default: `` - `TG_ADMIN_USERS` - Comma separated list of usernames of users that can use admin commands. Only used on first run. Optional. ## Running - Start stable diffusion webui: `cd sd-webui`, `./webui.sh --api` - Start bot: `deno task start` ## TODO - [x] Keep generation history - [x] Changing params, parsing png info in request - [x] Cancelling jobs by deleting message - [x] Multiple parallel workers - [ ] Replying to another text message to copy prompt and generate - [ ] Replying to bot message, conversation in DMs - [ ] Replying to png message to extract png info nad generate - [ ] Banning tags - [ ] Img2Img + Upscale - [ ] Admin WebUI - [ ] User daily generation limits - [ ] Querying all generation history, displaying stats - [ ] Analyzing prompt quality based on tag csv - [ ] Report aliased/unknown tags based on csv - [ ] Report unknown loras - [ ] Investigate "sendMediaGroup failed" - [ ] Changing sampler without error on unknown sampler - [ ] Changing model - [ ] Inpaint using telegram photo edit - [ ] Outpaint - [ ] Non-SD (extras) upscale - [ ] Tiled generation to allow very big images - [ ] Downloading raw images - [ ] Extra prompt syntax, fixing `()+++` syntax - [ ] Translations - replace fmtDuration usage - replace formatOrdinal usage