import { CommandContext } from "grammy"; import { StatelessQuestion } from "grammy_stateless_question"; import { maxBy } from "std/collections/max_by.ts"; import { debug } from "std/log/mod.ts"; import { getConfig } from "../app/config.ts"; import { generationQueue } from "../app/generationQueue.ts"; import { formatUserChat } from "../utils/formatUserChat.ts"; import { ErisContext } from "./mod.ts"; import { parsePngInfo, PngInfo } from "./parsePngInfo.ts"; type QuestionState = { fileId?: string; params?: Partial }; export const img2imgQuestion = new StatelessQuestion( "img2img", async (ctx, stateString) => { const state: QuestionState = JSON.parse(stateString); await img2img(ctx, ctx.message.text, false, state); }, ); export async function img2imgCommand(ctx: CommandContext) { await img2img(ctx, ctx.match, true); } async function img2img( ctx: ErisContext, match: string | undefined, includeRepliedTo: boolean, state: QuestionState = {}, ): Promise { if (!ctx.from || !ctx.message) { return; } if (ctx.from.is_bot) { return; } const config = await getConfig(); if (config.pausedReason != null) { await ctx.reply(`I'm paused: ${config.pausedReason || "No reason given"}`, { reply_to_message_id: ctx.message?.message_id, }); return; } const jobs = await generationQueue.getAllJobs(); if (jobs.length >= config.maxJobs) { await ctx.reply(`The queue is full. Try again later. (Max queue size: ${config.maxJobs})`, { reply_to_message_id: ctx.message?.message_id, }); return; } const userJobs = jobs.filter((job) => === ctx.message?.from?.id); if (userJobs.length >= config.maxUserJobs) { await ctx.reply(`You already have ${userJobs.length} jobs in queue. Try again later.`, { reply_to_message_id: ctx.message?.message_id, }); return; } const repliedToMsg = ctx.message.reply_to_message; if (includeRepliedTo && repliedToMsg?.photo) { const photos =; const biggestPhoto = maxBy(photos, (p) => p.width * p.height); if (!biggestPhoto) throw new Error("Message was a photo but had no photos?"); state.fileId = biggestPhoto.file_id; if (!state.params) state.params = {}; state.params.width = biggestPhoto.width; state.params.height = biggestPhoto.height; } if ( { const photos =; const biggestPhoto = maxBy(photos, (p) => p.width * p.height); if (!biggestPhoto) throw new Error("Message was a photo but had no photos?"); state.fileId = biggestPhoto.file_id; if (!state.params) state.params = {}; state.params.width = biggestPhoto.width; state.params.height = biggestPhoto.height; } const repliedToText = repliedToMsg?.text || repliedToMsg?.caption; if (includeRepliedTo && repliedToText) { // TODO: remove bot command from replied to text state.params = parsePngInfo(repliedToText, state.params); } if (match) { state.params = parsePngInfo(match, state.params); } if (!state.fileId) { await ctx.reply( "Please show me a picture to repaint." + img2imgQuestion.messageSuffixMarkdown(JSON.stringify(state satisfies QuestionState)), { reply_markup: { force_reply: true, selective: true }, parse_mode: "Markdown", reply_to_message_id: ctx.message?.message_id, }, ); return; } if (!state.params?.prompt) { await ctx.reply( "Please describe the picture you want to repaint." + img2imgQuestion.messageSuffixMarkdown(JSON.stringify(state satisfies QuestionState)), { reply_markup: { force_reply: true, selective: true }, parse_mode: "Markdown", reply_to_message_id: ctx.message?.message_id, }, ); return; } const replyMessage = await ctx.reply("Accepted. You are now in queue.", { reply_to_message_id: ctx.message?.message_id, }); await generationQueue.pushJob({ task: { type: "img2img", fileId: state.fileId, params: state.params }, from: ctx.message.from, chat:, requestMessage: ctx.message, replyMessage: replyMessage, }, { retryCount: 3, repeatDelayMs: 10_000 }); debug(`Generation (img2img) enqueued for ${formatUserChat(ctx.message)}`); }