import { Bot, Context, InputFile, InputMediaBuilder, } from ""; import { autoQuote } from ""; import { fmt, hydrateReply, ParseModeFlavor, } from ""; import ""; import { FormattedString, bold, } from ""; import { autoRetry } from ""; import { MessageEntity } from ""; const maxUserJobs = 3; const maxJobs = 10; let isRunning = true; const sdApiUrl = Deno.env.get("SD_API_URL"); if (!sdApiUrl) throw new Error("SD_API_URL not set"); console.log("Using SD API URL:", sdApiUrl); const sdConfigUrl = new URL("/config", sdApiUrl); const sdConfigRequest = await fetch(sdConfigUrl); if (!sdConfigRequest.ok) throw new Error( `Failed to fetch SD config from ${sdConfigUrl}: ${sdConfigRequest.statusText}` ); const sdConfig = await sdConfigRequest.json(); console.log("Using SD WebUI version:", String(sdConfig.version).trim()); const adminUsernames = (Deno.env.get("ADMIN_USERNAMES") ?? "") .split(",") .filter(Boolean); const tgBotToken = Deno.env.get("TG_BOT_TOKEN"); if (!tgBotToken) throw new Error("TG_BOT_TOKEN not set"); const bot = new Bot>(tgBotToken); bot.api.config.use(autoRetry({ maxRetryAttempts: 5, maxDelaySeconds: 30 })); bot.api.setMyShortDescription("I can generate furry images from text"); bot.api.setMyDescription( "I can generate furry images from text. Send /txt2img to generate an image." ); bot.api.setMyCommands([ { command: "txt2img", description: "Generate an image" }, { command: "queue", description: "Show the current queue" }, ]); bot.use(autoQuote); bot.use(hydrateReply); bot.command("start", (ctx) => ctx.reply("Hello! Use the /txt2img command to generate an image") ); bot.command("txt2img", async (ctx) => { if (!ctx.from?.id) { return ctx.reply("I don't know who you are"); } if (!isRunning) { return ctx.reply("I'm currently paused. Try again later."); } if (queue.length >= maxJobs) { return ctx.reply( `The queue is full. Try again later. (Max queue size: ${maxJobs})` ); } const jobCount = queue.filter((job) => job.userId ===; if (jobCount >= maxUserJobs) { return ctx.reply( `You already have ${maxUserJobs} jobs in queue. Try again later.` ); } if (!ctx.match) { return ctx.reply("Please describe what you want to see"); } const place = queue.length + 1; const queueMessage = await ctx.reply( `You are ${formatOrdinal(place)} in queue.` ); const userName = [ctx.from.first_name, ctx.from.last_name] .filter(Boolean) .join(" "); const chatName = === "supergroup" || === "group" ? : "private chat"; queue.push({ params: { prompt: ctx.match }, userId:, userName, chatId:, chatName, requestMessageId: ctx.message.message_id, statusMessageId: queueMessage.message_id, }); console.log(`Enqueued job for ${userName} in chat ${chatName}`); }); bot.command("queue", async (ctx) => { if (queue.length === 0) return ctx.reply("Queue is empty"); return await ctx.replyFmt( fmt`Current queue:\n\n${fmtArray( (job, index) => fmt`${bold(index + 1)}. ${bold(job.userName)} in ${bold( job.chatName )}` ), "\n" )}` ); }); bot.command("pause", async (ctx) => { if (!ctx.from?.username) return; if (!adminUsernames.includes(ctx.from.username)) return; if (!isRunning) return await ctx.reply("Already paused"); isRunning = false; return await ctx.reply("Paused"); }); bot.command("resume", async (ctx) => { if (!ctx.from?.username) return; if (!adminUsernames.includes(ctx.from.username)) return; if (isRunning) return await ctx.reply("Already running"); isRunning = true; return await ctx.reply("Resumed"); }); bot.catch((err) => { let msg = "Error processing update"; const { from, chat } = err.ctx; if (from?.first_name) msg += ` from ${from.first_name}`; if (from?.last_name) msg += ` ${from.last_name}`; if (from?.username) msg += ` (@${from.username})`; if (chat?.type === "supergroup" || chat?.type === "group") { msg += ` in ${chat.title}`; if (chat.type === "supergroup" && chat.username) msg += ` (@${chat.username})`; } console.error(msg, err.error); }); const queue: Job[] = []; interface Job { params: Partial; userId: number; userName: string; chatId: number; chatName: string; requestMessageId: number; statusMessageId: number; } async function processQueue() { while (true) { const job = queue.shift(); if (!job) { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); continue; } for (const [index, job] of queue.entries()) { const place = index + 1; await bot.api .editMessageText( job.chatId, job.statusMessageId, `You are ${formatOrdinal(place)} in queue.` ) .catch(() => {}); } try { await bot.api.deleteMessage(job.chatId, job.statusMessageId); const progressMessage = await bot.api.sendMessage( job.chatId, "Generating your prompt now...", { reply_to_message_id: job.requestMessageId } ); const onProgress = (progress: SdProgressResponse) => { bot.api .editMessageText( job.chatId, progressMessage.message_id, `Generating your prompt now... ${Math.round( progress.progress * 100 )}%` ) .catch(() => {}); }; const response = await txt2img( { ...defaultParams, ...job.params }, onProgress ); console.log( `Generated image for ${job.userName} in ${job.chatName}: ${job.params.prompt}` ); bot.api.editMessageText( job.chatId, progressMessage.message_id, `Uploading your images...` ); const inputFiles = await Promise.all( response.images.slice(1).map(async (imageBase64) => { const imageBlob = await fetch( `data:${mimeTypeFromBase64(imageBase64)};base64,${imageBase64}` ).then((resp) => resp.blob()); return InputFile(imageBlob)); }) ); await bot.api.sendMediaGroup(job.chatId, inputFiles, { reply_to_message_id: job.requestMessageId, }); await bot.api.deleteMessage(job.chatId, progressMessage.message_id); console.log(`${queue.length} jobs remaining`); } catch (err) { console.error( `Failed to generate image for ${job.userName} in ${job.chatName}: ${job.params.prompt} - ${err}` ); await bot.api .sendMessage(job.chatId, err.toString(), { reply_to_message_id: job.requestMessageId, }) .catch(() => {}); } } } function formatOrdinal(n: number) { if (n % 100 === 11 || n % 100 === 12 || n % 100 === 13) return `${n}th`; if (n % 10 === 1) return `${n}st`; if (n % 10 === 2) return `${n}nd`; if (n % 10 === 3) return `${n}rd`; return `${n}th`; } const defaultParams: Partial = { batch_size: 3, n_iter: 1, width: 128 * 5, height: 128 * 7, steps: 40, cfg_scale: 9, send_images: true, save_images: true, negative_prompt: "id210 boring_e621_fluffyrock_v4 boring_e621_v4 easynegative ng_deepnegative_v1_75t", }; function mimeTypeFromBase64(base64: string) { if (base64.startsWith("/9j/")) { return "image/jpeg"; } if (base64.startsWith("iVBORw0KGgo")) { return "image/png"; } if (base64.startsWith("R0lGODlh")) { return "image/gif"; } if (base64.startsWith("UklGRg")) { return "image/webp"; } throw new Error("Unknown image type"); } async function txt2img( params: Partial, onProgress?: (progress: SdProgressResponse) => void, signal?: AbortSignal ): Promise { let response: Response | undefined; let error: unknown; fetch(new URL("sdapi/v1/txt2img", sdApiUrl), { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify(params), }).then( (resp) => (response = resp), (err) => (error = err) ); try { while (true) { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)); const progressRequest = await fetch( new URL("sdapi/v1/progress", sdApiUrl) ); if (progressRequest.ok) { const progress = (await progressRequest.json()) as SdProgressResponse; onProgress?.(progress); } if (response != null) { if (response.ok) { const result = (await response.json()) as SdResponse; return result; } else { throw new Error( `Request failed: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}` ); } } if (error != null) { throw error; } signal?.throwIfAborted(); } } finally { if (!response && !error) await fetch(new URL("sdapi/v1/interrupt", sdApiUrl), { method: "POST" }); } } interface SdRequest { denoising_strength: number; prompt: string; seed: number; sampler_name: unknown; batch_size: number; n_iter: number; steps: number; cfg_scale: number; width: number; height: number; negative_prompt: string; send_images: boolean; save_images: boolean; } interface SdResponse { images: string[]; parameters: SdRequest; /** Contains serialized JSON */ info: string; } interface SdProgressResponse { progress: number; eta_relative: number; state: SdProgressState; /** base64 encoded preview */ current_image: string | null; textinfo: string | null; } interface SdProgressState { skipped: boolean; interrupted: boolean; job: string; job_count: number; job_timestamp: string; job_no: number; sampling_step: number; sampling_steps: number; } /** Like {@link fmt} but accepts an array instead of template string. */ function fmtArray( stringLikes: FormattedString[], separator = "" ): FormattedString { let text = ""; const entities: MessageEntity[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < stringLikes.length; i++) { const stringLike = stringLikes[i]; entities.push( => ({ ...e, offset: e.offset + text.length, })) ); text += stringLike.toString(); if (i < stringLikes.length - 1) text += separator; } return new FormattedString(text, entities); } await Promise.all([bot.start(), processQueue()]);