
878 B

Karaoke Telegram Bot

This simple bot was used to count the number of votes of every attendee during the "Karaoke of Furizon" event.


  • telethon
  • Your own Telegram API_ID and API_HASH
  • A channel where to send the posts for voting

How does it work?

The bot will listen for private messages from the users defined in the source code. When receiving a message with a picture, it will get forwarded to the desired channel, along with a "like" and a "golden" button, the interactions of with will be recorded and stored in the sqlite database over at "votes.db" with this schema:

	"user_id"	INTEGER NOT NULL,
	"is_golden"	INTEGER NOT NULL,
	PRIMARY KEY("user_id","is_golden","msg_id")

From there, it is trivial to open the database and count the votes for each person and decide who's the winner!