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Printer Bot VC-500W support

This project aims to provide functionality for using the Brother VC-500W printer. Follow the setup instructions below to get started.

Brother VC-500W Setup Instructions

To use the Brother VC-500W with this project, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the printer_bot Folder:

    cd /path/to/your/printer_bot

  2. Download the required files
    git clone https://gitlab.com/lenchan139/labelprinter-vc500w.git labelprinter-vc500w
    mv labelprinter-vc500w/* .
    rm -rf labelprinter-vc500w

  3. Check if all files are in the folder

  4. Edit your config file to the correct settings

  5. profit
    For the correct command to send to the printer and how it all works please see the gitlab repo.